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Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:27 am
by BobbyJ1956
And if the unlikely did happen, if they fell and fell and couldn't buy anyone but cast-offs, if Fergie retired and instead of Mourinho they got Fergie Junior, if the media and most of Asia had to give up their infatuation, sure and I'd be happy to see them in the sh*te and stay there (while City were winning things) till I bugger off for good. But what would you do with all the glory-seekers who'd suddenly discover City and start arriving in coach-loads from Bristol and plane-loads from Singapore?

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:04 am
by zuricity
One thing that strikes me in the various debates in the press and on blogs is the way the discussion goes towards the Glazers and the way they leveraged the buy out and effectively gave United a debt and the repayments that are bleeding them dry. It is often said that somebody would have to cough up say 1 billion plus to correct their problems.

Well why can't the glazers get out and accept their losses ? They are the greedy B*stards that wanted to make more money than is realistic from the 'Asset' that is Man United. Ditto Liverpool.

Like in other industries, it is sometimes necessary to have investors take the hit. Nobody welcomes downturns in the economy or recessions but they do happen. Not that what the Glazers did can be blamed on the recession. Rather their stupidity of borrowing money in the US.

I think I read in the Times yesterday in somebody's comment to an article about the financing of Uniteds new Bond issue that
the main reason the Glazers want to force this through is that they will then be pretty much free to take as much money out of the club as they want to (apparently at the moment because of the several loans structures and rules, they can't do that right now. Hence the massive fees their companies are charging United for 'Services rendered' and interest free loans made to members of their family).

There must be several billionaires more than willing to buy into United , or Liverpool but not at the prices that these cowboys want to sell at. It seems to me that the Glazers will sell up today if somebody would be stupid enough to buy. Unfortunately 'STUPID' billionaires are difficult to find, so it looks like eventually they will have to dilute their shares , or let the club eventually go belly up. One thing is for sure, as it currently stands their Finances at United are going to get a lot worse.

Personally, I think the Glazers should be taught a lesson and take the losses and get out. It serves them right for their own stupidity and greed.


Just one more point. The merchandising aspect. If the Shirts etc., that are being made by Umbro are being produced in British
factories, it is difficult for the Chinese to sell rip-off copies they aren't manufacturing (since it is well know that they often produce more than is asked by a contractor.So they can sell on the black market themselves) . I notice City also have merchandise made in china and I for one would really welcome seeing items that are manufactured as close to the club as possible. Perhaps the profit margin would be a little less ( does the Sheikh really need to maximise profits on such merchandise ?, I don't think he does, or that he thinks that way either ) or the price might be a little higher , but so what ?

It wouldn't really be that different, it just means people like Cooke have to have one less gin and tonic on their Corporate Lunch extravagances.

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:24 am
by mcfc1632
Worst happen?????

The rags going down and down is surely the best!!!! - WTF - is this really CITY fans I am reading say anything else????

WTF was I drinking last night??

My 5 year plan for the scum include Div2

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:04 am
by Niall Quinns Discopants
john68 wrote:It really pisses me off that some people almost define football bt the big clubs. The strength of English football is not about 2 fuking clubs, it is about the 92 and then every other fuckin club below that.
If the ragd went to the wall, the industry that earns its money from, advertising etc would go ba;listic for a while and then make the best of it by bigging the next in line up.
In the very short term it would be a the slightly longer term, hardly a hiccup....and life would go on.

Football has been going on for around 130 years, teams have come and teams have never blinked an eyelid.

Absolutely spot on John. Nothing to add to that.

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:38 am
by john@staustell
I agree with most here. That is the 'best' not the worst. Fuck 'em. They wont go under, just sink a fair bit!

That's exactly the sort of bollox the radio was spouting. Football was strong before Liverpool got promoted from their eternal second division status, and when Souness was there. Football was strong when Scum went 25 years without winning the league.

The list is endless of big clubs have gone from the scenen(and often come back). Forest were our biggest monster once. And Leeds more or less twice - where are they now?

Sometimes you seem quite young to me IBH. Trust me it's just the same without these pillocks near the top, it'll just upset the RAG press for about 6 months, after which they'll have forgotten all about them.

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:39 am
by Vhero
Niall Quinns Discopants wrote:
john68 wrote:It really pisses me off that some people almost define football bt the big clubs. The strength of English football is not about 2 fuking clubs, it is about the 92 and then every other fuckin club below that.
If the ragd went to the wall, the industry that earns its money from, advertising etc would go ba;listic for a while and then make the best of it by bigging the next in line up.
In the very short term it would be a the slightly longer term, hardly a hiccup....and life would go on.

Football has been going on for around 130 years, teams have come and teams have never blinked an eyelid.

Absolutely spot on John. Nothing to add to that.

Here, Here.

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:44 am
by Fish111
They won't go to the wall but there is a definate sea change happening here, more rapdly with Liverpool, but the scums time is coming as well. The top 4 are going to change with City, Chelsea, Arsenal & Spurs ruling the roost from here on in. Scum & Liverpool will be mid-table fodder and it will be a new era in English football.
I personally couldn't give a flying fuck about the scum & Liverpool. They haven't given a shit about the rest of the league when they have been creaming money from the CL and, in the case of the scum, from when they were on the stock market raking hundreds of millions of pounds. Whilst they were doing that they were always leaving themselves open to being bought by a private individual and agent Glazer is now working his magic over there. They are now reaping what the greedy bastards sowed a long time ago.
Fuck em.
I will enjoy every living moment we are dominant over them bastards, i despise them that much. It couldn't happen to a nicer club and a nicer set of moronic fans.

Re: Say if the worst scenario happened

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:25 am
by Ted Hughes
I'm sure that somone would buy the rags if the Glazers wanted to sell but the wonderful thing about the Glazers is that they seem to have a steely determination to try & ride this out, even if it drags Utd down into the depths of shiteness for years, in the hope that they can eventually come out as owning the club & making a decent profit in the end.

These people are true heroes.