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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:05 pm
by Slim
How the fuck did I miss all this? Well that's a shame. Late to the ball? Fuck it, I'm in anyway.

talkoftheterrace wrote:
Slim wrote:They want us to populate their forum and write all the fucking content for their site as well?

If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to reach through my computer and slap people and strangle the cunts trying to bleed money from others by doing as little as possible.

Sorry we don't NEED you to populate our forum, it's a free world, nor do we want you to write all our content, we already have 30k in posts and over 3k in threads.

All we are looking for is more variety

Oh and thanks for the warm words !

Right cunt, firstly you should look into two words, WANT and NEED. They actually have different meanings, I used one and you replied saying I used the other. That cunthole word twisting 101, something if you're around here for any length of time you'd know isn't fucking tolerated.

You have posts in your forum? That's not content, the blog would be content, we have a blog, we like our blog. bobby and a few others do a great job of putting the content we want out on a blog with no fucking 'minimum requirement'. "Allowing" us to write content for you and then, like it's a fucking privilege to do your work for you, you impose requirements on us? Well that's sounds like a fucking deal, got any bridges on sale as well?

Lastly and possibly most disgusting of wait, you're a fucking rag, that more disgusting. Okay, second most disgusting thing, you come onto the forum, don't have the fucking manners to ask an admin if you can advertise your forum on our forum and post it in a thread designed specifically for new members to our forum, not fucking yours. And then you are shocked by the hostility you've received? The admins here are fucking paragons of patience and tolerance to allow you to even fucking respond to this 'hostility'.

Oh yeah, and you don't like us because you are our 'city rivals' and we make fun of the Munich air disaster? We all know who Frank Swift is, without googling I'd bet you couldn't fucking name a single player from your team who died. Ironically most City fans could. Don't bother answering that, I wouldn't believe for a second you didn't google all the names.

In short, fuck off and die screaming.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:08 am
by dazby
Slim going old school. I haven't read such hostility since the naughties.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:24 am
by Burt
talkoftheterrace wrote:
Burt wrote:
talkoftheterrace wrote:Bit difficult to know where to post this but here goes !
I'm Graham AKA Spangle and Admin of a new general football site called talk of the, we cover all the major English and Scottish leagues as well as European and World football.

Like all new forums we need members to participate, we would like to invite your members to take part in our forum, in exchange for placing this promotional post on your forum we are willing to give you the following :

A link to your forum in the footer of our pages

A forum dedicated to Man city, with links to participating forums in a dedicated thread.

A Blog which your admin can use to keep us up to date ( this has to be maintained on a regular basis, Weekly is the minimum)

So why restrict yourselves to giving each other a pat on the back during the coming season, come and have a bit of banter with us as well, and get your forum a bit of free promotion too.

Now then Graham. You have to be takin the fucklin piss don't you?!

The home page of your site has a double advertising banner for the red shite "AON" and "MUTV" and you come on ere and ask Blues if we're interested in joining and helping those cunts to make money?

Go on...................tell me that you're just a WUM as you cannot be that stupid can you?

Oh dear Burt, should I reveal to you how Google Ads work ? Especially as you are a blue nose ?

You see Google knows where you go, it tracks you, and it shows you adverts based on the sites you visit, so If you visit say ...a lot of porn sites, you'll get adverts for Viagra.... if you visit sites about cycling... you get adverts related to that.... so if you are seeing adverts for MUTV and AON,... that can only mean one thing.

TOTT doesn't choose the adverts you see,... you do !!

Fuck me I've only just seen this reply.

Right you fuckin cunt brained, rag lovin shitbag. This Bluenose is now a little irritated and you won't like me when I'm angry cos I'll get my firm to mash your fuckin suede in you cheeky, liberty taking cunt!

I will tell you one thing for a fact so just take this in as I'll only say it once. I wouldn't be seen dead going anywhere near a devilworshipping, rag site. I'd rather walk round Salford all day with a rusty nail in me foot than do that and I can guarantee that this Government PC has never touched a rag site but when I clicked on your site, there shining like the devil himself are those fuclin piss stained Munich banners and the only reason that they are there is due to the workings of your site.

Don't fuckin come on ere with your cuntish mouth tryin to be all smarmy cos it just won't wash on ere. Cheeky cunt trying to hike your site on ere without having the manners or decency to ask one of the lads you fuckin cheeky twat! I see that you were born in Alty, well that fuckin figures cos there's some right bitter rag cunts I know that come from there. A right bitter devilworshippin stronghold if ever there was one. And don't give me any o that keyboard warrior comment shite you odious bastard. I fuckin despise cunts like you and I've met plenty of em in my old lifetime. They are always all about "Me me me" and after making a name for emselves and usually always seeking one form of glory or the other and trying to build their own little empire. Well guess'll never do it and you'll end up gettin found out for the utter wank stained cunt that you are. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm gettin a little warm under the collar now and it's only just after 8am. Can't wiat to get in the battle cruiser at luchtime to sink a few jars o gary glitter down me gregory peck cos you've rattled my cage you fuckin shitbag, arsewipe, dogbreath CUNT! Now fuck off back under that rock you crawled from under you useless no-dicked bastard and don't be fuckin mitherin us again, otherwise I'll smash yer fuckin teeth right down yer throat, rip yer fuckin head orf and shit right down the hole just for starters you CUNT!!!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:52 pm
by Dameerto
How did I miss this thread until now? I vote Arjan for 'Forum Champion'.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:13 am
by Jorgobot
Dameerto wrote:<null>

Holy shit slim and arjan are my damn heroes now!


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:56 am
by Slim
Jorgobot wrote:
Dameerto wrote:<null>

Holy shit slim and arjan are my damn heroes now!

Won't last, you'll misspell a word and then you'll hate me.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:02 am
by dazby
Oh Burt, you have been missed.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:30 pm
by DoomMerchant
dazby wrote:Oh Burt, you have been missed.

Apparently he's been getting his cock wet in theirs based on his internet browsing history.

Also, incognito mode. Just sayin.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:39 pm
by gillie
Message to rag spammers stay off the best City site in the land and all the world.If you don't Slim and the guys will fuck you up.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:14 am
by Burt
DoomMerchant wrote:
dazby wrote:Oh Burt, you have been missed.

Apparently he's been getting his cock wet in theirs based on his internet browsing history.

Also, incognito mode. Just sayin.

I'm gunna git you sucka. I'm gunna git you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal gooooooooooooooood!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:50 am
by Tokyo Blue
Burt wrote:Fuck me I've only just seen this reply.

Right you fuckin cunt brained, rag lovin shitbag. This Bluenose is now a little irritated and you won't like me when I'm angry cos I'll get my firm to mash your fuckin suede in you cheeky, liberty taking cunt!

I will tell you one thing for a fact so just take this in as I'll only say it once. I wouldn't be seen dead going anywhere near a devilworshipping, rag site. I'd rather walk round Salford all day with a rusty nail in me foot than do that and I can guarantee that this Government PC has never touched a rag site but when I clicked on your site, there shining like the devil himself are those fuclin piss stained Munich banners and the only reason that they are there is due to the workings of your site.

Don't fuckin come on ere with your cuntish mouth tryin to be all smarmy cos it just won't wash on ere. Cheeky cunt trying to hike your site on ere without having the manners or decency to ask one of the lads you fuckin cheeky twat! I see that you were born in Alty, well that fuckin figures cos there's some right bitter rag cunts I know that come from there. A right bitter devilworshippin stronghold if ever there was one. And don't give me any o that keyboard warrior comment shite you odious bastard. I fuckin despise cunts like you and I've met plenty of em in my old lifetime. They are always all about "Me me me" and after making a name for emselves and usually always seeking one form of glory or the other and trying to build their own little empire. Well guess'll never do it and you'll end up gettin found out for the utter wank stained cunt that you are. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm gettin a little warm under the collar now and it's only just after 8am. Can't wiat to get in the battle cruiser at luchtime to sink a few jars o gary glitter down me gregory peck cos you've rattled my cage you fuckin shitbag, arsewipe, dogbreath CUNT! Now fuck off back under that rock you crawled from under you useless no-dicked bastard and don't be fuckin mitherin us again, otherwise I'll smash yer fuckin teeth right down yer throat, rip yer fuckin head orf and shit right down the hole just for starters you CUNT!!!

You need to spend more time on here, mate. This is absolutely top drawer.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:50 am
by Dronny
Tokyo Blue wrote:
Burt wrote:Fuck me I've only just seen this reply.

Right you fuckin cunt brained, rag lovin shitbag. This Bluenose is now a little irritated and you won't like me when I'm angry cos I'll get my firm to mash your fuckin suede in you cheeky, liberty taking cunt!

I will tell you one thing for a fact so just take this in as I'll only say it once. I wouldn't be seen dead going anywhere near a devilworshipping, rag site. I'd rather walk round Salford all day with a rusty nail in me foot than do that and I can guarantee that this Government PC has never touched a rag site but when I clicked on your site, there shining like the devil himself are those fuclin piss stained Munich banners and the only reason that they are there is due to the workings of your site.

Don't fuckin come on ere with your cuntish mouth tryin to be all smarmy cos it just won't wash on ere. Cheeky cunt trying to hike your site on ere without having the manners or decency to ask one of the lads you fuckin cheeky twat! I see that you were born in Alty, well that fuckin figures cos there's some right bitter rag cunts I know that come from there. A right bitter devilworshippin stronghold if ever there was one. And don't give me any o that keyboard warrior comment shite you odious bastard. I fuckin despise cunts like you and I've met plenty of em in my old lifetime. They are always all about "Me me me" and after making a name for emselves and usually always seeking one form of glory or the other and trying to build their own little empire. Well guess'll never do it and you'll end up gettin found out for the utter wank stained cunt that you are. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm gettin a little warm under the collar now and it's only just after 8am. Can't wiat to get in the battle cruiser at luchtime to sink a few jars o gary glitter down me gregory peck cos you've rattled my cage you fuckin shitbag, arsewipe, dogbreath CUNT! Now fuck off back under that rock you crawled from under you useless no-dicked bastard and don't be fuckin mitherin us again, otherwise I'll smash yer fuckin teeth right down yer throat, rip yer fuckin head orf and shit right down the hole just for starters you CUNT!!!

You need to spend more time on here, mate. This is absolutely top drawer.

In the interests of clarity not all new members get such a warm and loving "welcome" to the site, so please continue to introduce yourself but don't peddle any rag loving shite......obviously.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:53 pm
by ant london
Funnier Bosnians!!! Hahaha spaztastically good!!!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:17 pm
by Equilibrista
Hi, everyone!

First of all, excuse any mistakes I may make when using my English. I'm Spanish and I am a Sevilla FC supporter. It's no coincidence I have joined this fórum soon after MC have signed Negredo and Navas, who were clearly the two top players in our team. They have both helped bring quite a few cups to our side in the last few years, especially Navas, after a very long period of winning absolutely nothing. But I guess we needed the cash. I hope they'll do fine in MC. I became close to MC when they became Premier League champions a couple of years ago thanks to that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!

Hopefully I'll be able to watch some MC games on TV this season, and maybe post something every now and then.

Hasta pronto.

PS. I hate Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and José Mouriño. Intensely.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:28 pm
by Peter Doherty (AGAIG)
Equilibrista wrote:Hi, everyone!

First of all, excuse any mistakes I may make when using my English. I'm Spanish and I am a Sevilla FC supporter. It's no coincidence I have joined this fórum soon after MC have signed Negredo and Navas, who were clearly the two top players in our team. They have both helped bring quite a few cups to our side in the last few years, especially Navas, after a very long period of winning absolutely nothing. But I guess we needed the cash. I hope they'll do fine in MC. I became close to MC when they became Premier League champions a couple of years ago thanks to that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!

Hopefully I'll be able to watch some MC games on TV this season, and maybe post something every now and then.

Hasta pronto.

PS. I hate Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and José Mouriño. Intensely.

You'll do for me! Welcome.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:48 pm
by Equilibrista
Peter Doherty (AGAIG) wrote:
Equilibrista wrote:Hi, everyone!

First of all, excuse any mistakes I may make when using my English. I'm Spanish and I am a Sevilla FC supporter. It's no coincidence I have joined this fórum soon after MC have signed Negredo and Navas, who were clearly the two top players in our team. They have both helped bring quite a few cups to our side in the last few years, especially Navas, after a very long period of winning absolutely nothing. But I guess we needed the cash. I hope they'll do fine in MC. I became close to MC when they became Premier League champions a couple of years ago thanks to that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!

Hopefully I'll be able to watch some MC games on TV this season, and maybe post something every now and then.

Hasta pronto.

PS. I hate Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and José Mouriño. Intensely.

You'll do for me! Welcome.

Thank you!


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:42 pm
by Arjan Van Schotte
Equilibrista wrote:that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!.

that'll do for me, welcome.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:55 pm
by Equilibrista


PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:58 am
by john@staustell
Equilibrista wrote:Hi, everyone!

First of all, excuse any mistakes I may make when using my English. I'm Spanish and I am a Sevilla FC supporter. It's no coincidence I have joined this fórum soon after MC have signed Negredo and Navas, who were clearly the two top players in our team. They have both helped bring quite a few cups to our side in the last few years, especially Navas, after a very long period of winning absolutely nothing. But I guess we needed the cash. I hope they'll do fine in MC. I became close to MC when they became Premier League champions a couple of years ago thanks to that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!

Hopefully I'll be able to watch some MC games on TV this season, and maybe post something every now and then.

Hasta pronto.

PS. I hate Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and José Mouriño. Intensely.

Hola amigo. Hay unos pocos hispanohablantes aqui. Lo problema hoy es que la teclada de mi oficina no tiene caracteres espanoles, como la de mi casa.

Bienvenido de verdad


PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:13 am
by Burt
john@staustell wrote:
Equilibrista wrote:Hi, everyone!

First of all, excuse any mistakes I may make when using my English. I'm Spanish and I am a Sevilla FC supporter. It's no coincidence I have joined this fórum soon after MC have signed Negredo and Navas, who were clearly the two top players in our team. They have both helped bring quite a few cups to our side in the last few years, especially Navas, after a very long period of winning absolutely nothing. But I guess we needed the cash. I hope they'll do fine in MC. I became close to MC when they became Premier League champions a couple of years ago thanks to that last minute goal scored by Kun Agüero. I remember seeing Ferguson's face on TV, it was priceless!

Hopefully I'll be able to watch some MC games on TV this season, and maybe post something every now and then.

Hasta pronto.

PS. I hate Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo and José Mouriño. Intensely.

Hola amigo. Hay unos pocos hispanohablantes aqui. Lo problema hoy es que la teclada de mi oficina no tiene caracteres espanoles, como la de mi casa.

Bienvenido de verdad

Fuckin show off! ;o)