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Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:57 am
by Piccsnumberoneblue
Leeds played Stockport on Saturday and an incident happened that I can find no mention of in any media, local or national.
I know this happened because I was in Leeds station on Saturday evening. After the game a supporter was thrown off a bridge onto the Leeds-Doncaster electrified line. This is the main line to Kings Cross out of Leeds. It was declared a crime scene and the power turned off until around 1915. I heard the message come through on walkie talkies that the the line was handed back at that time. There were rumours that Filth fans had travelled over with Stockpotrt for a bit of argey bargey.
Don't know who the guy who was thrown supported, whether he was injured or dead (though I suspect the route would have been closed longer if he was killed) and if the throwees were apprehended. I half expected Sky to be going over it in detail when I got home, but nothing. Weird innit how some stuff doesn't see the light of day.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:22 am
by john68
You're right Piccs.
Over the years I have seen a nimber of incidents that IO thought would make the headlines and yet...nowt at all reported!
The media still find the space to publish shedloads of stuff that they have simply made up though.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:59 am
by Ted Hughes
I was abducted by aliens. Not a word in the press.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:14 am
by City1970
Living in Crewe (Unfortunatly), you see all knids of trouble at the station here.

There have been incidents with loads of fans who happen to be changing trains all the time. A couple of years ago, a large group of Wigan fans, bored at the station, took to the main (Nantwich) road in Crewe, and trashed a few pubs, beat up a couple of coppers, and treid it on with some bouncers (saw a fan get knocked out in the middle of Nantwich Road, by a bouncer, who just left him where he fell). It took a lot of coppers to shoe horn them back into the station, and they closed the station off, till the pie eaters had gone. There were rumours that some unlucky alex fan had been pushed onto the lines, narrowly missing a train.

Scum and Everton fans have had a pop at each other on the station, which was funny at the time (Come ead then), and we always seem to have problems with Stoke, Wrexham and Chester fans. Last time Millwall scum were here, they smashed an entire road of house windows, just opposite the Alex stadium.

But you never hear about it in the local press, never mind the national.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:58 am
by ja0005
I don't want to appear all cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with the World Cup bid, especially after the last couple of weeks. The last thing the FA want is loads of reports of football related violence.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:35 am
by Rag_hater
Im sure Piccs would know better than me but a few years ago when I worked in Manchester my company used to have a few regulars from the railway club on Store st under Piccadilly and one of the train drivers we used to pick up told me about quite a few people he had jumping in front of his train to commit suicide.I dont ever remember hearing about it on Granada or Beeb so I thought these kind of things happened and didnt get reported.And 1 less Leeds fan is hardly a big tragedy

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:41 am
by Piccsnumberoneblue
I do have a small amount of knowledge on that subject. Yes, people kill themselves in front of trains, about 400 a year on the entire network. One guy I work with has had three, and a I know a couple of who have been through it twice. But most drivers never have such an incident.
However, a suicide is different to a bloke being thrown off a bridge by rival supporters, through 25,000v cables and onto a railway line below. Some suicides get reported, most get a mention in the local rag for that area.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:25 am
by ronk
Media only report about stuff they hear about. If there'd have been a journalist in the area delayed by the incident then it would have been national news, especially if there was half decent amateur footage.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:33 am
by Niall Quinns Discopants
ronk wrote:Media only report about stuff they hear about. If there'd have been a journalist in the area delayed by the incident then it would have been national news, especially if there was half decent amateur footage.

Yeah, that's how it apparently works here as well. Coppers keep stuff to themselves unless journos find about it other ways. I actually hear about friend of a friend of a friend who worked for tabloid during her studies in university and her job was to go through hospitals and police stations during the weekend to find something to write about. Didn't sound too glamorous that.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:46 am
by Piccsnumberoneblue
When the main line to London gets closed for two hours after a match, you'd have thought a journo might have heard about it.
It's probably a good thing really. Like I said earlier, when I got in from work I half expected loads of hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by Sky 'experts'.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:35 am
by mr_nool
Niall Quinns Discopants wrote:
ronk wrote:Media only report about stuff they hear about. If there'd have been a journalist in the area delayed by the incident then it would have been national news, especially if there was half decent amateur footage.

Yeah, that's how it apparently works here as well. Coppers keep stuff to themselves unless journos find about it other ways. I actually hear about friend of a friend of a friend who worked for tabloid during her studies in university and her job was to go through hospitals and police stations during the weekend to find something to write about. Didn't sound too glamorous that.

It's all about building good relationship with your local coppers. When I worked as a journo I called the officer on guard duty a couple of times a day to see if anything had happened and to do some small talk. They only held really sensitive information back. We also had the police radio on all the time, so we always heard if there was something big going on.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:05 pm
by crossan
Ted Hughes wrote:I was abducted by aliens. Not a word in the press.

That's funny so was changed me as I was such a happy go lucky,likeable person before they wisked me off.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:17 pm
by 9secondlegend
Piccsnumberoneblue wrote:I do have a small amount of knowledge on that subject. Yes, people kill themselves in front of trains, about 400 a year on the entire network. One guy I work with has had three, and a I know a couple of who have been through it twice. But most drivers never have such an incident.
However, a suicide is different to a bloke being thrown off a bridge by rival supporters, through 25,000v cables and onto a railway line below. Some suicides get reported, most get a mention in the local rag for that area.

not had 1 in 19 years :0(

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:54 pm
by Slim
Piccsnumberoneblue wrote:I do have a small amount of knowledge on that subject. Yes, people kill themselves in front of trains, about 400 a year on the entire network. One guy I work with has had three, and a I know a couple of who have been through it twice. But most drivers never have such an incident.
However, a suicide is different to a bloke being thrown off a bridge by rival supporters, through 25,000v cables and onto a railway line below. Some suicides get reported, most get a mention in the local rag for that area.

I have no sympathy for those people.

Commit suicide with no regard for their family and friends AND to subject a complete stranger to have to live with the fact they killed them. Fucking awful thing it must be for your mates who have been through it.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:40 am
by Piccsnumberoneblue
Slim wrote:
Piccsnumberoneblue wrote:I do have a small amount of knowledge on that subject. Yes, people kill themselves in front of trains, about 400 a year on the entire network. One guy I work with has had three, and a I know a couple of who have been through it twice. But most drivers never have such an incident.
However, a suicide is different to a bloke being thrown off a bridge by rival supporters, through 25,000v cables and onto a railway line below. Some suicides get reported, most get a mention in the local rag for that area.

I have no sympathy for those people.

Commit suicide with no regard for their family and friends AND to subject a complete stranger to have to live with the fact they killed them. Fucking awful thing it must be for your mates who have been through it.

I posted on this subject earlier in the year when it happened to me.
I feel no malice nor ill will to the bloke who stood in front of my train. You have to be in a seriously altered mental state to just stand there while two hundred tons of speeding metal hurtles towards you and not flinch. As it transpires, the guy had been sectioned for 18 days prior to this but his Mum had signed him out of hospital that day. I would guess that she is the one who feels worst about the whole issue.
I still get proper nervy driving in the dark mind.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:54 am
by Pablo Sacramento
Slim wrote:
Piccsnumberoneblue wrote:I do have a small amount of knowledge on that subject. Yes, people kill themselves in front of trains, about 400 a year on the entire network. One guy I work with has had three, and a I know a couple of who have been through it twice. But most drivers never have such an incident.
However, a suicide is different to a bloke being thrown off a bridge by rival supporters, through 25,000v cables and onto a railway line below. Some suicides get reported, most get a mention in the local rag for that area.

I have no sympathy for those people.

Commit suicide with no regard for their family and friends AND to subject a complete stranger to have to live with the fact they killed them. Fucking awful thing it must be for your mates who have been through it.

A girl I went to school with threw herself under a train when she was 19-20, selfish cow did it in front of a platform of kids on a school trip.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:23 am
by Robinho_Is_GOD
Just another example that England is fast turning into a place where too many scum hang about, and I am not meaning united fans, but it can only be a scumbag that would do that to somebody else, because they know they will get away with it, the country is too fucking soft and that is the main reason why a lot of English people (myself included) cannot wait to get out of that country, and the only people wanting in are asylum seekers or benefit spongers who cannot be arsed working but have the state pay for them.

It used to be a proud country, but all that died when Maggie left power, far too many fucking doo-gooders now who will maintain that nothing happens to the criminals of the country, only the innocent people, there are far too many cases to list here, or I would be here all day, and I have a game to catch later that I don't and won't want to miss......needless to say, for crimes where somebody kills another person (other than in war situations) they should bring back corporal punnishment.

If that happens then nobody will go around killing as freequently as they do, for fear of losing their own life, as it is, they kill, get a free Xbox, PS3, Plasma TV, Gym membership, meals, clothed, medical care and protection from the useless Police forces up and down the country, where is the deterrant there to stay away from crime.

The people of England know that the country is losing any self-respect they had, hence why the BNP are gathering momentum, you know things are bad when Facism is within reach........

In short, find the scum who did this, line them up before a firing squad and save the taxpayer a whole lot of money and grief.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:25 am
by Robinho_Is_GOD
Not sure why suicide is being dragged into this debate, this wasn't a suicide attempt, the lad was thrown onto the line, I would think it would be difficult to throw yourself over a bridge and onto a line.

Re: Fan gets lobbed on railway line.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:05 am
by ronk
Robinho_Is_GOD wrote:Not sure why suicide is being dragged into this debate, this wasn't a suicide attempt, the lad was thrown onto the line, I would think it would be difficult to throw yourself over a bridge and onto a line.

Suicide was mentioned because we were talking about the psychological effects on train drivers of running someone over with a train. Thankfully in this case it didn't happen.