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Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:27 pm
by ruralblue
Fuck me off too, big style. Consider yourself a tad lucky though Svensational you are surrounded by Blues over in Mancs. In the little villiage I live it's full of the bastards and plastic glory hunting ones at that. I go to the pub to watch last nights game and its full of the gloating bastards. I hate them with a passion.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:37 pm
by ruralblue
Svensational wrote:
ruralblue wrote:Fuck me off too, big style. Consider yourself a tad lucky though Svensational you are surrounded by Blues over in Mancs. In the little villiage I live it's full of the bastards and plastic glory hunting ones at that. I go to the pub to watch last nights game and its full of the gloating bastards. I hate them with a passion.

Mate, honestly im not. Every single one of my mates in and out of work are fucking rags. We've won this we've won that, we are better than you, you've won fuck all, our trophy cabinet is full bla bla fucking bla!

Sorry for being presumptious Sven, just presumed you were. I have been looking on t'internet this morning to try and find some Blues closer to home that I can arrange to go meet in the pub to watch the game. My only saving grace is a chap called Geoff in our local who has a soft spot for the Blues, shame he his a Everton fan.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:45 pm
by wolfcity
Svensational wrote:
ruralblue wrote:Fuck me off too, big style. Consider yourself a tad lucky though Svensational you are surrounded by Blues over in Mancs. In the little villiage I live it's full of the bastards and plastic glory hunting ones at that. I go to the pub to watch last nights game and its full of the gloating bastards. I hate them with a passion.

Mate, honestly im not. Every single one of my mates in and out of work are fucking rags. We've won this we've won that, we are better than you, you've won fuck all, our trophy cabinet is full bla bla fucking bla!

I'd expand your social circle and make some new friends. Preferably with people who have good taste in Football Clubs.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:47 pm
by The Foggy Blue
Lads - can't be as bad as here in Dublin. Rag central with a nice splattering of Dippers fans. They tend to neutralise one another most of the time but watching the match down the pub yesterday, the vast majority of "neutrals" were thoroughly delighted with City's loss (as opposed to Everton's win).

Also - about 11.30 last night I get a text message from a scummer asking "Did City win today??" It's pretty clear from that that the fuckers are scared sh1tless and our loss yesterday was a great relief to them.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:50 pm
by wolfcity
Svensational wrote:
wolfcity wrote:I'd expand your social circle and make some new friends. Preferably with people who have good taste in Football Clubs.

So you saying I should only make friends with City fans? Yeah dead good that.

It may have been a joke, Sir.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:53 pm
by Im_Spartacus
Did u see Gary Rhodes on soccer am yesterday - absolute epitome of what fucking twats they are.

HC: So, what do you think of the financial problems at United
GR: We believe in the greatest manager in the world
HC: But he is retiring soon, what then
GR: We are Manchester United, the greatest, biggest and best supported club in the world

She should have fucking ripped him to pieces for not answering the question, however she also probably realised that its pointless. He is a fucking munich cunt, and this sort of bollox is standard fayre for them when posed with a question they dont know the answer to, come out with completely pointless inane bollox.

For Gary Rhodes, read 99% of the red cunts. When asked about their prospects in an upcoming game, there is no opinion, just a stupid fucking assinine statement that they will win. When asked what they base their view on, the retort is usually that the opposition are shit, regardless who they are, regardless of their own injury problems, regardless of their shit form, or the form off the other side (Birmingham case in point). Its downright fucking disrespectful aside from anything else.

They havent got a fucking clue what is going on with their club - ever. On many occasiosn I have had a conversation about one of their reserve players, who invariably the munich cunt I am talking to has never heard of. They still dont realise that it is extremely possible to get tickets for ANY game at the swamp, trotting out the old "cant get tickets" when challenged about why they dont go to the games, or even the occasional game.

Fucking cunts


Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:56 pm
by lythamblue
Be patient and bide your time ..... just humour them.

No matter what arguments you come up with, they will always revert back to how many trophies they have won.

Unfortunately, they have a good point because that what it is really all about.

All our money and all their debts effectively means nothing at the moment. Until we start beating them to major trophies and finishing higher in the league on a consistant basis, the arguments will always be difficult for us.

Keep your head down at the moment ....... the good times are hopefully coming. Just remember all the comments they hav made and use the same ones against them when the moment arises.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:02 pm
by wolfcity
johnpb78 wrote:They havent got a fucking clue what is going on with their club - ever. On many occasiosn I have had a conversation about one of their reserve players, who invariably the munich cunt I am talking to has never heard of. They still dont realise that it is extremely possible to get tickets for ANY game at the swamp, trotting out the old "cant get tickets" when challenged about why they dont go to the games, or even the occasional game.

I regular hear "oh, I work funny hours" as an excuse for non attendance. Between the hours of 3pm and 5pm on a Saturday?

Lots of their Matches sell out because they offer packages to Supporter Groups around the Country to get rid of the unsold tickets. A Coach there and back, pre-Match meal, Museum / Tour... It requires no effort from the Fan and they can enjoy their once a season experience like no other.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:02 pm
by The Foggy Blue
"No matter what arguments you come up with, they will always revert back to how many trophies they have won.

Unfortunately, they have a good point because that what it is really all about."

Lytham - a simple response to that one is that they sound like Liverpool fans in the 90's. The future is blue - we can look forward to 20 years of winning things, what have they got to look forward to? City fans ramming it down their throats???

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:07 pm
by david yearsley
wolfcity wrote:
johnpb78 wrote:They havent got a fucking clue what is going on with their club - ever. On many occasiosn I have had a conversation about one of their reserve players, who invariably the munich cunt I am talking to has never heard of. They still dont realise that it is extremely possible to get tickets for ANY game at the swamp, trotting out the old "cant get tickets" when challenged about why they dont go to the games, or even the occasional game.

I regular hear "oh, I work funny hours" as an excuse for non attendance. Between the hours of 3pm and 5pm on a Saturday?

Lots of their Matches sell out because they offer packages to Supporter Groups around the Country to get rid of the unsold tickets. A Coach there and back, pre-Match meal, Museum / Tour... It requires no effort from the Fan and they can enjoy their once a season experience like no other.

Rhodes has defo got an excuse then as he´s plating up lobster for the fuclin nouveux riche about that time

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:10 pm
by mcfc1632
ruralblue wrote:Fuck me off too, big style. Consider yourself a tad lucky though Svensational you are surrounded by Blues over in Mancs. In the little villiage I live it's full of the bastards and plastic glory hunting ones at that. I go to the pub to watch last nights game and its full of the gloating bastards. I hate them with a passion.

Having spent my 1st 20 years on Manchester - I have spent my last 30 mostly in Wokingham (Berkshire) - so you have my total understanding and empathy

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:13 pm
by lythamblue
The Foggy Blue wrote:"No matter what arguments you come up with, they will always revert back to how many trophies they have won.

Unfortunately, they have a good point because that what it is really all about."

Lytham - a simple response to that one is that they sound like Liverpool fans in the 90's. The future is blue - we can look forward to 20 years of winning things, what have they got to look forward to? City fans ramming it down their throats???

I agree, but you can only boast about what HAS happened .... and not about what COULD happen.

The past is a fact .... the future is just conjecture. Once the future has evolved ..... then we can brag about it.

Listen, I have many argument points with Man U fans, but the problem is you have to be speaking to one of them that actually knows something about what is happening in the game. Most of them don't and therefore just revert to the same old 'success' based arguments.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:14 pm
by Im_Spartacus
A mate just drew my attention to a facebook group about the glazers. It stated that this cannot happen to the most successful team in the world.

Our beloved Club- Manchester United are in Deep trouble
Thanks to The frikkin Glazers.
We will not let them rip-apart the worlds football's most
successful club, MANCHESTER UNITED.

Understandably as a Liverpool fan he couldnt let that lie

hiya kids i just thought i would let you all know there is a an error in the description it says "the worlds most successful club".lets get a few FACTS correct here.utd arnt the most successful club in england never mind the world and they are a million miles behind real madrid 32 titles i think ? and 9 european cups.t...ake your blinkers off and stop being so fuckin thing i will congratulate you on is selling the most are the most successful at that and i will congratulate you on being the most successful club in the city of salford. 5 TIMES AND THATS A FACT :)

If you are interested in a wind up, the group is called All Manchester United Fans Together To Kick Glazers Out!

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:25 pm
by 9secondlegend
johnpb78 wrote:A mate just drew my attention to a facebook group about the glazers. It stated that this cannot happen to the most successful team in the world.

Our beloved Club- Manchester U***d are in Deep trouble
Thanks to The frikkin Glazers.
We will not let them rip-apart the worlds football's most
successful club, MANCHESTER U***d.

Understandably as a Liverpool fan he couldnt let that lie

hiya kids i just thought i would let you all know there is a an error in the description it says "the worlds most successful club".lets get a few FACTS correct here.utd arnt the most successful club in england never mind the world and they are a million miles behind real madrid 32 titles i think ? and 9 european cups.t...ake your blinkers off and stop being so fuckin thing i will congratulate you on is selling the most are the most successful at that and i will congratulate you on being the most successful club in the city of salford. 5 TIMES AND THATS A FACT :)

and neither are they from the city of salford.

If you are interested in a wind up, the group is called All Manchester U***d Fans Together To Kick Glazers Out!

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:44 pm
by razor400
My old man was a master at 'winding the cunts up, I remember being when I was living in Wythenshawe, the day after they had just won the league for the first time, he had this rag cunt so wound up he was trying to proprly kick off with my old man.
There is always a way to get at them young svenny, your not trying hard enough!!

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:56 pm
by john68
What sort of social circle do you have?....Stop being a plonker and fuck the rags off...Why would you want to hang about with sus human numpties?

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:56 pm
by Futbol
johnpb78 wrote:Did u see Gary Rhodes on soccer am yesterday - absolute epitome of what fucking twats they are.

HC: So, what do you think of the financial problems at U***d
GR: We believe in the greatest manager in the world
HC: But he is retiring soon, what then
GR: We are Manchester U***d, the greatest, biggest and best supported club in the world

She should have fucking ripped him to pieces for not answering the question, however she also probably realised that its pointless. He is a fucking munich cunt, and this sort of bollox is standard fayre for them when posed with a question they dont know the answer to, come out with completely pointless inane bollox.

For Gary Rhodes, read 99% of the red cunts. When asked about their prospects in an upcoming game, there is no opinion, just a stupid fucking assinine statement that they will win. When asked what they base their view on, the retort is usually that the opposition are shit, regardless who they are, regardless of their own injury problems, regardless of their shit form, or the form off the other side (Birmingham case in point). Its downright fucking disrespectful aside from anything else.

They havent got a fucking clue what is going on with their club - ever. On many occasiosn I have had a conversation about one of their reserve players, who invariably the munich cunt I am talking to has never heard of. They still dont realise that it is extremely possible to get tickets for ANY game at the swamp, trotting out the old "cant get tickets" when challenged about why they dont go to the games, or even the occasional game.

Fucking cunts


That would be the Gary Rhodes born and bred in South London and Kent! Says it all the glory hunting little sh!t - his cooking is cr@p as well.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:00 pm
by King Kev
Just agree with everything they say!

It's not easy, but if you can manage to just keep saying 'I know' and 'You're right' I promise you they will get wound up as fucl!

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:10 pm
by patrickblue
Trouble is, the next generation of glory hunting twats are going to be buying sky blue replica shirts.
Doesn't bear thinking about.

Re: Scum Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:20 pm
I don't agree.

Pretty much all of my friends are United fans, as are the majority of my family. Wouldn't really say any of them fuck me off any more than anyone else. Especially when it comes to football .Most of them are very reasonable.

Perhaps you should surround yourself with less annoying people.