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Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:57 pm
by trout man
I was watching 'Footballs Next Star' over the weekend..yes I know I'm sad..but I was interested as there were two Irish lads in the last three and wanted to see how they got on..thats my excuse and I am sticking to it. Anyway, there was an interesting piece with Patrick Vierra when he was talking to lads and he said it was vital to train with the same passion as you play and that this was one of the hallmarks of 'The Special Ones' training regime. I was wondering, relative to DH's reports that training seems to have lightened up in the physicality department and is that having an impact on the way we are playing on the pitch?

I played for a club for three years in New Zealand and even though I thought I could handle myself, and was fit, they made me vomit on the first training session and never stopped pushing the boundaries of endurance and full contact training and I can honestly say I came home a much better player than when I arrived.

Re: Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:28 pm
by Douglas Higginbottom
trout man wrote:I was watching 'Footballs Next Star' over the weekend..yes I know I'm sad..but I was interested as there were two Irish lads in the last three and wanted to see how they got on..thats my excuse and I am sticking to it. Anyway, there was an interesting piece with Patrick Vierra when he was talking to lads and he said it was vital to train with the same passion as you play and that this was one of the hallmarks of 'The Special Ones' training regime. I was wondering, relative to DH's reports that training seems to have lightened up in the physicality department and is that having an impact on the way we are playing on the pitch?

I played for a club for three years in New Zealand and even though I thought I could handle myself, and was fit, they made me vomit on the first training session and never stopped pushing the boundaries of endurance and full contact training and I can honestly say I came home a much better player than when I arrived.

There is a necessary balance in this somewhere. I know from coaching I do ( cricket) that it's important to practice as if were for real as best you can.No point in treating it as a bit of fun and do what you want. I would agree it's essential to put everything into training sessions whether it's the warm up stretching routines ot some kind of football play but within reason. I have said a few times that NDJ takes no prisoners and there has been occasional reaction suggesting that he needs to be careful not to injure anyone and especially as the players do not wear shin pads in training sessions.

NDJ does take it seriously but I would say he knows where to draw the line and does not go into the really dangerous challenges.Ireland is another who clearly gives everything in training. One who doesn't seem to quite give his all , and this should not be read as a criticism is Tevez!

We see him every match chasing and harrying and basically running his arse of trying to win the ball back. Well I have hardly ever seen him do that in training. He works fine and commits to what is asked of him to get fit and stay fit but he doesnt run himself into the ground in a training session normally. To me given the player he is that seems quite sensible. I do remember one session though when he wasn't due to play the next game ( I cant remember why) where he literally ran/trained himself into the ground.Totally cream crackered at the end.

I do wonder about the training at the moment which is clearly less physically demanding than it has been but on the basis we are playing 2 games a week wuite often and they all should be properly match fit at this stage of a season it's no doubt the norm to scale it down a little and just keep it ticking over and maintain fitness levels.

Re: Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:03 pm
by trout man
Interesting about Tevez, there is no doubting his ability to mix it with the opposition, and the same can be said for Bellamy, who probably doesnt train that intensively...though could be wrong. I would say however, that particularly for our acadamy and young developing players hard training with seasoned professionals has to be a prerequisite to performing well in the premiership.

I have to admit, that I would love to come and watch the team training though its a long way to travel from Ireland for a training session....I'm jealous Doug.

Re: Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:11 pm
by sweenyuk
it has been said that the reason Tavez is playing so well for us, is that he is playing every game he can. At united he was used as a sub and with his lack of effort in training put on weight, with us he playes so often and so fiercley that it is trhis that keeps him fit, not the training

Re: Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:11 pm
by Douglas Higginbottom
trout man wrote:Interesting about Tevez, there is no doubting his ability to mix it with the opposition, and the same can be said for Bellamy, who probably doesnt train that intensively...though could be wrong. I would say however, that particularly for our acadamy and young developing players hard training with seasoned professionals has to be a prerequisite to performing well in the premiership.

I have to admit, that I would love to come and watch the team training though its a long way to travel from Ireland for a training session....I'm jealous Doug.

Yes you are wrong about Bellers as he does train pretty well flat out all the time. Good point about the young uns coming up to train with the first team.

Re: Training with same passion as playing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:24 pm
by trout man
Thought Bellamy would have been taking it at least easier with his kness, though I should have known retrospect it was stupid just to think it :-)