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Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:55 pm
by eastlands-lostboy
Always carping, sarcastic comments and putting us down. I did hear he had some run ins with our fans some time ago, whats the story out there ? I thought he was supposed to remain impartial....oh apart from Arsenal and the rags...sorry i,m now doing what he fucking does !!!

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:59 pm
by Manx Blue
The man is a cunt. To avoid similar replies, close the thread! ;)

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:04 pm
by btajim
Barely any of the Pundits are impartial. Lawro / Hansen are biased towards Liverpool, Stan Collymore is always going on about Villa etc.

Alan Green is more than likely known to his Mate as Alan Red. They don't like the fact that we're beginning to take shape and they'll say anything they can to get a dig in. Get used it, Lads.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:05 pm
by Ted Hughes
Yes, because he been watching the rags win the PL for what seems like a lifetime, waiting for his beloved scousers to take over & is realising that's never going to happen & that we'll win it before they do.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:19 pm
by Beefymcfc
Errrr, yeah Laaaaa!

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:25 pm
by Wooders
just add him to the ever increasing list

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:42 pm
by Alex Sapphire
eastlands-lostboy wrote:Always carping, sarcastic comments and putting us down. I did hear he had some run ins with our fans some time ago, whats the story out there ? I thought he was supposed to remain impartial....oh apart from Arsenal and the rags...sorry i,m now doing what he fucking does !!!

there was a spell when his radio show (606 equivalent) got taken the piss out of. All callers discussing City tried to get the word "massive" in and it pissed him off? I think most of them were scum though.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:15 pm
by Buffalo Soldier
In fairness to the man, if I looked like a fat, greasy, pig faced cunt, I'd have a pretty big chip on my shoulder as well.

No-one can stand him, even his colleagues in the media think he's a knob.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:28 pm
by Goaters 103
He's like a lot of the media types, afraid of any challenge to the current status quo and the darling Sky 4. City of course buying success, whereas Chelsea and Man U are full of homegrown players that rolled out of their acadamies aren't they?

The fact that Green is a Liverpool fan gives you an insight into his agenda.

The slaughtering the City vs Liverpool game got was over the top these past few days, as I've seen many a game between the Sky 4 on a similar quality - the first FA Cup final at the new Wembley for starters. However City are threatening to crash into the top 4 by doing the same things the status quo do, only on a larger scale, and the media don't like it.

Good thing is, if we dont make the top 4 next season we will probably kick the effin hinges off it next year as the investment in the playing staff isn't going to stop anytime soon.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:50 am
by Lev Bronstein
Ah, Alan Green, moans and groans about his commentary position, the coffee, the pies, the weather, generally, he sounds like he hates his job. Laughs sycophantically at Laurenson's pathetic attempts at humour. As for the 606 phone in, where we are supposed to listen to the views of the fans. Any fan who Green dislikes gets short shrift plus a sarcastic comment after the caller is cut off and can't respond.. Any caller to another phone in who criticises the Grumpy Green Giant, is put down "because Alan isn't here to defend himself". Double standards or what!!!

Now without sounding too poncy, I'm reminded of the Punic Wars (where we get the word punishment). between the Roman Republic and Carthage in the years BC. Cato the Elder who after a voyage to Carthage, ended all his speeches, no matter what the topic, by saying: "Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam." - "Furthermore, I think that Carthage must be destroyed".

So, in the same spirit I think I'll end every post I make with the words:-

Alan Green is a knob

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:50 am
by john@staustell
Lev Bronstein wrote:Ah, Alan Green, moans and groans about his commentary position, the coffee, the pies, the weather, generally, he sounds like he hates his job. Laughs sycophantically at Laurenson's pathetic attempts at humour. As for the 606 phone in, where we are supposed to listen to the views of the fans. Any fan who Green dislikes gets short shrift plus a sarcastic comment after the caller is cut off and can't respond.. Any caller to another phone in who criticises the Grumpy Green Giant, is put down "because Alan isn't here to defend himself". Double standards or what!!!

Now without sounding too poncy, I'm reminded of the Punic Wars (where we get the word punishment). between the Roman Republic and Carthage in the years BC. Cato the Elder who after a voyage to Carthage, ended all his speeches, no matter what the topic, by saying: "Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam." - "Furthermore, I think that Carthage must be destroyed".

So, in the same spirit I think I'll end every post I make with the words:-

Alan Green is a knob

Ah but Carthage WAS destroyed at some future point, whereas Alan Green is a knob NOW and always was.

So maybe you should put something like:

"Alan Green will be tied up with a gag in his mouth, and forced to watch City lift the league trophy and then the european cup. The gag will only be removed to force-feed him pies and coffee from Preston NE", (allegedly the worst in the league according to a soccerette on Soccer AM who had studied these things).

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:36 am
by Crossie
Isnt he a scouse fan?

What better way to really hurt him than beat scouse 1 to 4th place, buy Torres and Benayoun (let gerrard rot) and watch them self implode.

Still supporting them when there fighting for survival Alan?

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:30 am
by Chinners
Green's had a problem with City since Joe Royle had a ding dong with him. Royle said that 95% of people in football disliked him, he's been on our case ever since.

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:23 pm
aint green a liverpool fan, thats why he gives us grief, he knows we are going to take there 4th place

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:20 pm
by Bluez
Alan Green just has a problme. I don't think he is specifically Anti-City, I just think he is an opinionated cunt that jumps on any passing bandwagon. He is one of the most annoying men on the planet, its probably why he hosts 606 phone in, you just have to call to call him a twat

Re: Does Alan Green have a problem with our club?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:31 am
by patrickblue
Bluez wrote:Alan Green just has a problme. I don't think he is specifically Anti-City, I just think he is an opinionated cunt that jumps on any passing bandwagon. He is one of the most annoying men on the planet, its probably why he hosts 606 phone in, you just have to call to call him a twat

You've hit the nail on the head there. Go on any other club forum and type "alan green" in search, you'll get exactly the same sort of discussions as here.