The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

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The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Craig B » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:53 pm

I know I shouldn't rise to it but this is truly the pits...


The booing of Joleon Lescott at Wembley on Saturday shows ordinary fans have had enough of hypocritical footballers

Given that England's friendly on Saturday was so dull most of us, in retrospect, would have (tactically) submitted to shopping with the missus rather than watch it, you could be forgiven for thinking nothing of import occurred.

Yet there was a moment, 65 minutes and 27 seconds into the contest, that those of us still conscious and still actually bothered could have interpreted as one of real significance in the nebulous development of modern day football.

Ok, ok. I might be guilty here of injecting a little too much drama into a something so lifeless a necrophiliac would have had trouble finding pleasure from it, because what actually happened was a thoroughly bored crowd perked up sufficiently - when Matthew Upson was replaced by Joleon Lescott - to roundly boo Manchester City's latest signing.

Yet it was an interesting moment. The crowd at Wembley was largely a family audience, parents taking the rare opportunity of freely available Saturday afternoon tickets to let their kids see the cream of English football in a relatively civilised environment. In other words, not as many meat-heads as usual.

Yet they booed Lescott. Loudly. Violently even, which suggests that the fans, the normal, decent fans who make up the bulk of the football-watching community in this country, are beginning to tire of the antics of over-paid prima donnas who flounce around in their increasingly hysterical pursuit of even more money.

These weren't, on the whole, Everton fans remember, which makes the reaction interesting. There was certainly an anti-Manchester City element to the protest, quite clearly. Fans are worried about City's methods, and what it means for football.

They know, that by throwing money at their project, and at the same time using dubious, strong-arm tactics to try and acquire players by any means, it could destabilise football dangerously.

Now this isn't a rant about money in football, and City - like Chelsea before them, and just like Real Madrid, Manchester United, Liverpool and to a lesser extent even Arsenal - have the right to use their financial status to pursue trophies.

Indeed, the fact that another club is ready to challenge the hegemony at the summit of English football is quite refreshing in a way, because it adds an element of risk - and therefore edge - to the race to be in the top four.

City's tactics though, have been awful. Morally, the manner in which they waited until the end of the summer to pursue Lescott, and then blatantly tried to destabilise Everton - a direct rival at this stage - was murky to say the least.

What was worse though, was the charade they encouraged the player to act out, to ensure that he eventually got his move. And that, I believe, was the real reason for the fascinating reaction of the fans at Wembley on Saturday.

Had Lescott come out straight away and said he had great respect for Everton and their fans, but simply couldn't resist an offer that effectively tripled his wages, while giving him the chance to line up alongside world class players and potentially challenge for the highest honours, then only the most reactionary could have condemned him.

Instead, he said nothing, and pretended he knew nothing about City's interest. Then, when Everton - as was their right - refused to even listen to the offer for a player under contract, he sulked and pouted, before putting in a transfer request.

When that didn't work, the defender took the appalling step of effectively destroying his reputation with the fans at Goodison, and the wider football community, by refusing to train properly, or apply himself in the cause of his club or his team-mates.

Worse, he even offered the appearance in competitive games, despite being paid around £2million A YEAR by the Merseyside club, of not trying. His performance in the 6-0 defeat by Arsenal on the opening day of the season was nothing short of embarrassing, and will never be forgiven by the Gwladys Street faithful.

Everton fans, of course, have every right to ridicule a player who shows such a lack of respect for their club, and the point is, so do supporters everywhere, because the actions of Lescott have highlighted just how far away from the fans that clubs like City and players like him are taking the sport.

It is not just Lescott. In many ways, the actions of Carlos Tevez were even worse. At least the former Everton man could genuinely point to the fact that City's money could well catapult them into the top four and the Champions' League, which will always be a tall order at Goodison (although of course he didn't!).

Tevez had no such excuse, making his decision even more about the money. And yet he had the gall to try and make out that he left Manchester United because he somehow wasn't treated with respect, that despite the massive wages he was paid at Old Trafford in recompense for his often erratic services, he deserved something more.

It is nonsense of course, sheer hypocrisy on the grandest scale, and that is why the fans booed so loudly on Saturday. They are tired of pretty ordinary footballers like Tevez, Lescott and John Terry winning the lottery every week for simply kicking a ball around. And they are tired of those footballers exploiting ruthlessly their positions to add even more noughts to bank balances already inflated beyond the average man's comprehension.

But it is the hypocrisy that they are most tired of. The hypocrisy of players offering ridiculous, feeble excuses to hide what is, let's face it, a pretty natural desire for money. They are tired of the hypocrisy of a system that bans 'illegal' approaches to players, and yet freely allows it to happen openly and very publicly.

There will always be people who hate City and hate the likes of Lescott purely because of the money, as narrow-minded and unimaginative as that position is. Yet I'd like to think that there will also be plenty of people - including the Wembley crowd on Saturday - that have a distaste for what happened for wider reasons.

In particular, I suspect Lescott was booed, partly because of the dignity shown by Everton, their manager David Moyes and their chairman Bill Kenwright, throughout the unsavory proceedings. Football supporters, the decent, normal ones that are still very much out there, will have appreciated the Goodison stance.

All along, Moyes said that Lescott had a price, but until that was met, no amount of sulking, bullying or flouncing would make them falter. All along, he was supported completely by Kenwright, even though the temptation to a chairman under financial pressure to take the money on offer and run must have been massive.

In the end, at least Everton got their money, and Kenwright and Moyes came out of the affair with their dignity and reputation intact, enhanced even....which is more than can be said of Manchester City and Joleon Lescott.

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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby johnny99 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:59 pm

why anyone bothers to read that shit excuse for a paper is beyond me
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Beefymcfc » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:00 pm

They love it don't they. This by Henry Winter was more precise:

Winter suggests United legend was behind City star’s frosty Wembley reception

Esteemed football writer Henry Winter suggests the Wembley crowd may have booed Manchester City star Joleon Lescott because they were hoping to see Manchester United legend David Beckham instead. The 27-year-old former Everton stalwart was afforded a less than savory reception when he emerged from the bench to replace West Ham defender Matthew Upson, and many suggested it was because of the protracted transfer saga that saw him swap Goodison for the City of Manchester Stadium. The respected Daily Telegraph columnist, Winter, however, believes it was the clamor to see Beckham that resulted in Lescott’s frosty entrance.

“The David Beckham circus must not be allowed to contaminate England's World Cup pursuit.”

“David Beckham may have been the unwitting cause of Joleon Lescott being booed on Saturday.”

“Many theories have been put forward for these Wembley outbursts, ranging from Everton diehards in the house, fans of lower-league clubs voicing dissent towards a millionaire contract-breaker to Lescott's mistakes. All plausible.”

“Now consider this: the rumblings of discontent began when England supporters realised Lescott's arrival as the sixth and final substitute meant their beloved Becks would not be coming on.”

“Some immediately walked out, parents leading disappointed children back to their cars, Lescott's entrance at least giving them an excuse to beat the traffic.”

“Most stayed, more than a few expressing their frustration at not seeing 'Goldenballs' by castigating Lescott.”

“It is no fault of Beckham's that people in this celebrity-obsessed land turn up at Wembley simply to gawp at one of the world's most famous figures.”

“The stewards were unbelievably lenient at the number of punters cramming the gangways, poking cameras over the hoardings at Beckham as he warmed up.”

“Yet there has to be sympathy for the real fans, the ones who travel far and wide to follow England, surviving difficult journeys to Kazakhstan and Belarus, spending fortunes on the off chance that the years of hurt might end. They simply want to get behind the 11 who are playing.”

“Wayne Rooney is a far better footballer than Beckham – ditto Steven Gerrard and Ashley Cole – but they do not get flashbulbs going off like an explosion in a strobe-light factory.”

“Beckham, commendably, handled this extraordinary level of attention discreetly, refusing to wave to the fans, preferring, albeit vainfully, for the focus to be on those actually doing something with the ball. So here resides the deep irritation with Beckham's presence in the squad and a concern heading towards the World Cup.”

“He's a sideshow that threatens to distract from the real drama.”

“It's not him. Beckham's a likeable, sensible, football-mad guy. It's just the circus that follows bewitched in his wake.”

“When Beckham is with England, the audience changes, the mood becomes more OK! than FourFourTwo.”

“The atmosphere was poor on Saturday because it was full of "happy-clappy day-trippers'' as they are derided by the hard-core. England need passionate followers, not big-name hunters.”

“Decent footballing arguments can be ventured for excluding Beckham from the 23 for South Africa, from his lack of pace to the emergence of more youthful right-sided alternatives in Theo Walcott and Aaron Lennon. From a purely sporting perspective, it will be far sadder if Lionel Messi, Franck Ribery or Cristiano Ronaldo fail to grace the 2010 World Cup.”

“Beckham's backers point to his ability to influence a game late on, giving England impetus with his passing or corners.”

“Where Beckham also offers a degree of usefulness is in ensuring that contenders such as Walcott, Lennon and Shaun Wright-Phillips are made to fight for the right. As the squad's senior statesman, Beckham can also tend to any homesick younger players.”

“He remains a remarkable role model, the ultimate professional.”

“Fabio Capello admires the way the 34 year-old is the first out to training, the last in, always prompt for meetings and meals, and always courteous to hotel staff and supporters.”

“Beckham is a one-man respect campaign and it is little surprise to find him fronting the Football Association 2018 World Cup bid campaign. This charming man makes a great ambassador.”

“Listening to Beckham yesterday, talking about his past and present managers, it was illuminating to hear him refer to "Sven'' and "Carlo'' but then "Fabio Capello''.”

“Capello values such deference, discipline and humility, qualities easily detected in Beckham.”

“The fact that such a grounded individual stirs such hysteria in the public is a sad indictment of the star-struck, media-shaped, world we now inhabit.”

“The Becks Factor must not be allowed to contaminate England's serious pursuit of the World Cup.”
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby The Man In Blue » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:08 pm

fuck the mirror, i could not give a toss what drivel they write.

incredible though, they used to have journos the calibre of Paul Foot writing for them. how times change.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Midnight Blue » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:15 pm

Won't come as much of a suprise that this David Maddock character who wrote that first article is an everton fan. He should stick to what he does best, slagging off liverpool.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby 10.Goater_Legend » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:22 pm

Lmao FUCK the Mirror, toilet paper.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby MaineRoadMemories » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:23 pm

Even he must know he is writing shite, as when I was visiting the eveton forums not one of their supporters blamed Lescott for the 6 goals that went past their team.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Ted Hughes » Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:17 pm

Why are there so many horrible creepy deluded Everton fans in the media? It's fucking full of them & they all seem to share the same personality & are all, to a man, completely full of shit.

They mustn't go to many games as they'd fill the ground.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby CitizenYank » Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:30 pm

We don't need to dignify this shit by even reading it. The Daily Mirror has always had it out
for us. Their editorial policy is lower than the New York Post, Daily Inquirer
and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, combined.

(Sorry to offend any British sensibilities there. But I wanted to make the criticism
more in line with the tampon rags closer to home.)
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Dameerto » Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:21 pm

I got as far as "dubious strong-arm tactics" and had to stop reading - my blood was boiling too much.

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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Wonderwall » Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:51 pm

never read the tabloids, however, they do reach millions of people and articles like this are poisoning people against us. I wouldn't say I dont care, because I do. I hate it when people attack my club. BUT, to attack us because he thinks he has an idea why lescott was booed, and then write a full ANTI-CITY article, based on what goes on in his tiny mind and none of it factual is absurd to say the least.

I would love City to get rid of all anti-city media from coms. I dont mind non-biased negative articles as they are balanced and offer an alternative view, but I hate these stupid pricks.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Crossie » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:01 pm

There are more facts in Comics
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Florida Blue » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:56 pm

Really? I thought they were jeering Upson for playing like shit.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby CITYTILLIDIE11 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:18 pm

Tbh I stopped bothering with that paper many years ago, it doesn’t even bother disguising its pathological hatred of us anymore, whilst at the same time it slavishly licks the back pipe of baconface.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Futbol » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:44 pm

Ingerland fans - bunch of racist twats most of them - who cares what those idiots think - leave them to sing 'no surrender' and the other sh't - who really cares. As for the Mirror - just ignore it.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Blue Toy » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:06 pm

An article riddled with what I believe to be libellous statements, I bet our Lawyers are looking forward to this one.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Tokyo Blue » Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:54 pm

Didn't Everton lose 6-1 not 6-0 to Arsenal? Clearly not much of a journalist.
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby King Kev » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:27 am

I suspect that most of the morons who were booing actually had no idea why they were doing it.

England fans are exactly known for their intelligence!
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Re: The Daily M*rror's Campaign Against Us - Further Proof!

Postby Fish111 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:37 am

I simply cannot fathom what was so immoral about our approach for Lescott, we put in two offers and never went public with either of them. Everton turned them both down, which they were quite within their rights to, and they then went to the press moaning about us wanting to buy him. What exactly was wrong with our approach?

As for the Mirror, it's always been toilet paper from front to back and will continue to be so.
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