the fifa corruption report

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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby JamieMCFC » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:43 pm

Two whistleblowers who provided significant assistance to Michael Garcia’s investigation into alleged corruption in the bid process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups have voiced their respective ‘rage’ and disappointment at how their evidence was portrayed in FIFA’s 42-page summary of Garcia’s unpublished report.

Speaking together publicly for the first time, exclusively to the Mail on Sunday, Bonita Mersiades, a former Australia bid insider, and Phaedra Almajid, who worked on the Qatar 2022 campaign, said the summary by FIFA’s ethics judge, Hans-Joachim Eckert, is a ‘deliberate denigration of two women who have been courageous enough to say something’.

Eckert said their evidence was unreliable and inaccurate. But they scoffed at the notion the bid process was uncorrupted. Almajid spoke about her difficult, painful and at times dangerous role as a whistleblower. She also revealed for the first time how she was pressured into retracting previous accusations.

‘When it comes to FIFA, be prepared to be crucified, not once or twice but over and over again,’ Almajid said of her experience. ‘Be prepared to suffer and pay for your actions. Be prepared never to feel safe and never to feel you can trust anyone. But most importantly, be ready to be betrayed by those who have promised to protect you.’

Both women provided Garcia with detailed knowledge of the bids they worked on, respectively Australia’s and Qatar’s. Their information was fundamental to Garcia concluding there were indications of ‘problematic conduct’ by both bids.

Mersiades is not surprised that Eckert effectively gave the whole process a clean bill of health despite its multiple obvious flaws. She said the fact that she and Almajid were singled out for specific mention, though not named by Eckert, shows that at FIFA ‘the culture of silence is rewarded’.

And Mersiades was the head of corporate and public affairs within the Australian bid. She had access to all areas of the bid and was sacked because of her criticism of the conduct of the international consultants associated with the bid.

She said Eckert’s conclusion that the bid process was essentially clean is ‘high comedy’.

Almajid was one of the first employees of Qatar’s bid, five years ago. She worked inside the bid until early 2010 as the head of international media, working daily with all the key figures on the bid, attending strategy meetings and traveling around the world on lobbying trips.

‘My initial reaction to the way I was singled out in Eckert’s summary was shock, then rage,’ she said. ‘Knowing FIFA, I should not have been surprised.’
Eckert’s summary said Mersiades’ evidence ‘often did not support [her] specific recollections and allegations’.

Of Almajid, Eckert wrote: ‘Serious concerns about the individual’s credibility were apparent from the outset.’ He also said: ‘Journals the individual provided could not be relied upon to corroborate [her] story.’

Yet it is the contention of both women that main bid ‘issues’ for Australia and Qatar identified within Garcia’s report were in fact identified to Garcia by them, and acknowledged by Garcia as legitimate concerns.

Mersiades told Garcia how financial incentives were sought for projects controlled by FIFA executive committee (ExCo) voters - and paid by Australia’s bid.

She also explained how the cover of ‘football development’ was used as a euphemism for funding directed towards favoured projects of ExCo voters.

Eckert acknowledged ‘indications of potentially problematic conduct’ in the Australia bid. Yet he brushed any wrongdoing under the carpet by claiming these did not ‘compromise the integrity’ of the bidding.

Though acknowledging Almajid made herself available for more than a year to Garcia ‘and provided voluminous records and other materials’, Eckert claimed there were ‘serious concerns’ about Almajid’s credibility because she had formerly made serious accusations about ExCo voters and then retracted them.

Almajid did make earlier claims that were retracted by affidavit. Now, the MoS can reveal the extraordinary circumstances in which that retraction occurred.

Almajid had broken a confidentiality contract pertaining to her bid employment by speaking about alleged corruption. The Qataris were threatening to sue her for $1m (£640,000) - enough to ruin her financially and put the future of her two children, one of them severely disabled, in jeopardy.

A senior Qatari official told Almajid if she signed a sworn retraction saying that her corruption claims were a fabrication, they would cease any further legal action. That was in 2011. She signed.

‘I was completely alone in trying to fight off the Qataris,’ she says. ‘I needed to protect the welfare of my kids and I signed.’
The FBI in America have taken an active interest in the 2018 and 2022 bidding processes because of the involvement of US figures.

The MoS can also reveal that US intelligence agencies were interested in various aspects of the Qatar bid team’s behaviour and there is a recording of a conversation between Almajid and a senior Qatari official discussing the terms of Almajid’s retraction.
Garcia is believed to have had access to that recording and knows why Almajid retracted earlier testimony. ‘Why was this information not mentioned in Eckert’s comments about my credibility and affidavit?’ said Almajid. ‘Or does this crucial piece of information undermine Qatar’s credibility instead?’

Garcia has not responded to the Mail on Sunday’s requests for comment, or to questions, but he knows from extensive interviews with Almajid she feared for her safety and felt threatened for much of the past four years.

Yet Eckert dismisses her as a liar and untrustworthy.

‘I am one small insignificant single mum against the richest country in the world and the richest sporting organisation in the world,’ said Almajid.

Almajid gave Garcia mountains of evidence about consultants on Qatar’s bid breaching ethics rules, on the role of the Aspire Academy in offering incentives to voters, and on Qatar’s pivotal £1.2m sponsorship of the African Confederation congress in Angola.
All of this is cited in Garcia’s report as grounds for concern about the Qatari bid but oddly Eckert’s summary is dismissive of Almajid, saying ‘concerns about [her] credibility’ were always obvious.

‘I had a lot of meetings with them for someone supposedly so unreliable,’ Almajid said. ‘Garcia wanted, and got, everything I had: a detailed timeline of events, USBs, my iPhone, a Blackberry, documents, contemporaneous notes, CDs, emails.’

Among the insider detail on Qatar’s bid, Almajid also told Garcia of seven-figure payments to bid ambassadors and about a vote collusion pact between Qatar and the Spain-Portugal bid, which everybody in world football, including FIFA president Sepp Blatter but not the Qataris, acknowledges helped Qatar win votes.

Such a pact was against bidding rules. Eckert’s report details what was wrong with every single bid, if anything, except one. Extraordinarily, there is not a single word on Spain-Portugal’s bid.

‘That is utterly incredible,’ Almajid said. ‘The investigators know what happened. It’s just not in there, like it didn’t exist. That’s FIFA all over; if they say it didn’t happen, then it didn’t happen.’

Both Mersiades and Almajid may soon get a chance to share everything they know on a ‘neutral’ platform at Parliament in London. Damian Collins, the Conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe, who lobbies and works with pressure groups to try to reform FIFA, has invited them to the Commons, where they may share their experiences with a select committee.

More immediately, Collins has invited both women to help him organise a conference in Brussels at the end of January to discuss FIFA reform and how the corruption of FIFA’s past can really become a thing of the past. Politicians, sponsors and other members of the reform-minded football family from around the world will attend.

Both Bonita Mersiades and Phaedra Almajid are strong, credible women who have had the guts and determination to stand up for what they believe is right,’ Collins told the Mail on Sunday on Saturday.

‘People have tried to smear them and discredit them. But they are experienced and knowledgeable people and they need to be heard. FIFA does not want to listen.’

Almajid says the low points of the past four years have been when she was viewed as ‘an Arab traitor’. Almajid is an Arab-American, who also describes herself as ‘a Muslim with a deep love of the region and belief that it should stage a World Cup one day’.
She is insistent she has nothing against Qatar but was deeply disturbed by the way money was being spent by its bid team. ‘I spoke to Garcia and I’m speaking now because this is a question of ethics, integrity and differentiating between what is right and wrong. This is not a story about Arabs versus non-Arabs - it is a story based on principle.’

Mersiades says the practical fallout to being a whistleblower has been hard, as she feels ostracised in her native Australia.
‘In a relatively small nation like Australia, when you’re seen to “cross” one of the richest men in the country [the Australian bid’s main backer and football president was billionaire businessman Frank Lowy], corporate life is closed to you,’ she said.

‘The other negative is some in the football community think that the only reason I said anything was because my employment was terminated and that I want to “ruin” football. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have been a passionate fan of the game my entire life, and so has my family.’

I asked Mersiades if she had a message for any future whistleblower. She said: ‘Ask yourself how you want the metrics of your life to be measured. We have choices. You can play in the sand pit. You can leave your principles at the door.

‘Or you can be prepared to be resilient and take the consequences from those in power who desperately want to maintain the status quo - like Judge Eckert with his report.

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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Beefymcfc » Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:06 am

'Open Sesame' was the order and all of a sudden everything started to fall in-place.

"Mersiades told Garcia how financial incentives were sought for projects controlled by FIFA executive committee (ExCo) voters - and paid by Australia’s bid."

Now we see why Blatter has brought investigation against certain individuals. The question is, has he brought them against Mersiades or against those ExCo members and Australian bid team.

From that statement the reality is that all members were aware and if the head honcho wasn't aware, he was failing in his responsibilities to ensure a fare vote, at the minimum.

A very strong piece. FIFA maybe thinking that this will blow over but there are far greater forces in effect here and the backing that the reporter is getting is bigger than the usual source, far bigger I'd say.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Wonderwall » Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:42 am

What I dont understand and what I cannot get my head around is this report is the single biggest issue FIFA has ever faced. Yet the President of FIFA has not even bothered to read the report that took over a year to compile, however, he has ordered a criminal investigation on the back of what someone else has said.... and that someone is centre to the scandal that he cant read a report properly as he cant see whats blatantly described in the report according to Garcia.

Farcical, the lot of it.

Well done to the two ladies though, I hope this opens the door for others to speak out.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby zuricity » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:15 am

Wonderwall wrote:What I dont understand and what I cannot get my head around is this report is the single biggest issue FIFA has ever faced. Yet the President of FIFA has not even bothered to read the report that took over a year to compile, however, he has ordered a criminal investigation on the back of what someone else has said.... and that someone is centre to the scandal that he cant read a report properly as he cant see whats blatantly described in the report according to Garcia.

Farcical, the lot of it.

Well done to the two ladies though, I hope this opens the door for others to speak out.

If Blatter publicly states that he has read the document and if it is found to contain damaging i nformation. Then conceivably it is a dereliction of duties if he failed to act on it.If he says he hasn't read it, this gives him an excuse to test the state of the situation later.
I am quite sure Sepp has read the document.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Wonderwall » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:32 am

zuricity wrote:
Wonderwall wrote:What I dont understand and what I cannot get my head around is this report is the single biggest issue FIFA has ever faced. Yet the President of FIFA has not even bothered to read the report that took over a year to compile, however, he has ordered a criminal investigation on the back of what someone else has said.... and that someone is centre to the scandal that he cant read a report properly as he cant see whats blatantly described in the report according to Garcia.

Farcical, the lot of it.

Well done to the two ladies though, I hope this opens the door for others to speak out.

If Blatter publicly states that he has read the document and if it is found to contain damaging i nformation. Then conceivably it is a dereliction of duties if he failed to act on it.If he says he hasn't read it, this gives him an excuse to test the state of the situation later.
I am quite sure Sepp has read the document.

Good point, I didn't think of that angle and I reckon you have it right.
Surely its a failure on his part to state he has not read, what is conceivably the most important document in FIFA's history, or certainly during his tenure. I just cannot believe the scale of the scandal surrounding this corrupt organisation and he is still at the helm. If he gets another term, there will be a massive fallout from other world governing bodies, or at least I hope there will be.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby zuricity » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:47 am

Wonderwall wrote:
zuricity wrote:
Wonderwall wrote:What I dont understand and what I cannot get my head around is this report is the single biggest issue FIFA has ever faced. Yet the President of FIFA has not even bothered to read the report that took over a year to compile, however, he has ordered a criminal investigation on the back of what someone else has said.... and that someone is centre to the scandal that he cant read a report properly as he cant see whats blatantly described in the report according to Garcia.

Farcical, the lot of it.

Well done to the two ladies though, I hope this opens the door for others to speak out.

If Blatter publicly states that he has read the document and if it is found to contain damaging i nformation. Then conceivably it is a dereliction of duties if he failed to act on it.If he says he hasn't read it, this gives him an excuse to test the state of the situation later.
I am quite sure Sepp has read the document.

Good point, I didn't think of that angle and I reckon you have it right.
Surely its a failure on his part to state he has not read, what is conceivably the most important document in FIFA's history, or certainly during his tenure. I just cannot believe the scale of the scandal surrounding this corrupt organisation and he is still at the helm. If he gets another term, there will be a massive fallout from other world governing bodies, or at least I hope there will be.

Re not read it.... well y'know he's a busy man :-)

i'm sure he plans to get around to it at some point in time.. ( after he's kicked the bucket).
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Ted Hughes » Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:43 pm

Blatter has a history of saying things, then realising it doesn't sit well with the public, so saying the complete opposite, as it makes no difference what he does; he still gets elected.

Everyone who isn't bent, thinks he's a corrupt fucking turd, so already want him out anyway, the ones who vote for him, don't care that he's a corrupt turd, or what he does, or what he says, so long as he does right by them. So he can make as many mistakes as he likes. It doesn't matter.

This is probably him realising that the original whitewash attempt was about to fail, which would cause him big shit, so give the public a couple of soft targets & hope it ends there, whilst telling everyone that's it; it's all sorted now.

But I just can't see how he will get away with this. Even if 70% of the world's football associations are willing to let it lie in the end, which would suggest an enormous level of corruption, it still would leave 30% which aren't willing to sweep it under the table & that would most likely include England, Germany & USA, Holland, Ireland for a start, as they have all spoken previously, before this came out. Now there is evidence starting to appear, this will be the tip of the iceberg I recon, & 'whistle blowing' will be commonplace in the years to come.
The pissartist formerly known as Ted


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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby john68 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:25 pm

Despite the importance of the report, it would not surprise me if Blatter hasn't read it. He will have staff who do such things for him. They will have reported it's findings and advised him of its implications. Read it or not, he will know its contents and understand what it means.

Common practice at the top. When asked KHR specifically denied that discussions about a breakaway league had never taken place in the ECA. Probably true, as discussions would have hardly taken place in that organisation, rather as far away as possible. David Cameron didn't know about the recent EU bill the UK had to pay and Margaret Thatcher was on holiday when some major matter exploded in her face....They all do it, nobody believes them, they couldn't careless.

FIFA corruption may be a major issue in England (and a few other places) but for most of the World, it is hardly newsworthy. England's position is seen as being 'sour grapes' at being humiliated in our bid. Our link with Warner is seen as proof of our own corruption and historically, we are seen as the country that kept the status quo and refused to allow the new emerging football nations into the World Cup. Havelange and now Blatter opened the door and they are forever grateful.

Sadly, we need FIFA more than they need us andwe and our allies are pretty isolated. The sponsors will go where the money is. Currently it's with Blatter.
If anything is to change, it will not be led by us, nor by the few countries who are presently outraged. Germany, USA, Holland, and Italy alongside, may drag a few more onside with us.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby iwasthere2012 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:30 pm

Ted Hughes wrote:Blatter has a history of saying things, then realising it doesn't sit well with the public, so saying the complete opposite, as it makes no difference what he does; he still gets elected.

Everyone who isn't bent, thinks he's a corrupt fucking turd, so already want him out anyway, the ones who vote for him, don't care that he's a corrupt turd, or what he does, or what he says, so long as he does right by them. So he can make as many mistakes as he likes. It doesn't matter.

This is probably him realising that the original whitewash attempt was about to fail, which would cause him big shit, so give the public a couple of soft targets & hope it ends there, whilst telling everyone that's it; it's all sorted now.

But I just can't see how he will get away with this. Even if 70% of the world's football associations are willing to let it lie in the end, which would suggest an enormous level of corruption, it still would leave 30% which aren't willing to sweep it under the table & that would most likely include England, Germany & USA, Holland, Ireland for a start, as they have all spoken previously, before this came out. Now there is evidence starting to appear, this will be the tip of the iceberg I recon, & 'whistle blowing' will be commonplace in the years to come.

Interesting times in football. If the house of cards starts to come down in FIFA, can you see this having a knock on affect in the likes of UEFA. I know one thing has nothing to do with the other regarding FIFA corruption. But if people come forward to speak out about what everyone knows is going on, could you see it hotting up for UEFA regarding the cartel influence, FFP, etc.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby City64 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:00 pm

Blatter believes he is untouchable and above the law just like a Mafia godfather . It is incredible that he persists to spout pure bullshit about NOT reading the Garcia report and it's findings , surely his position is untenable if he has ( which he must have or been briefed) or hasn't ( bullshit) .
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby zuricity » Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:00 pm

From the BBC website
16:25 Football
FIFA president Sepp Blatter has rejected FA chairman Greg Dyke's call to publish ethics investigator Michael Garcia's report into allegations of corruption in World Cup bidding.

Blatter has replied to a letter from Dyke, saying publishing the report would break Fifa's rules and Swiss law but every person in the report would have to give consent to publication.

"Fifa would violate not only its own rules and regulations but also Swiss law by making public the report in question," said Blatter

"We have been advised that publication of the report might be permissible if the persons and entities included in the report consent to such publication and waive any legal action they might be entitled to bring."

If this is correct Sepp should be able to tell us which Swiss Law he refers to.

I certainly am not aware of any law that prevents a complete report to be withheld from the public.

There are Swiss secrecy laws , but these are for Banking.

Also perhaps he could at the same time educate us as to which Fifa law or regulation would be violated ?
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Ted Hughes » Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:16 pm

The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.
The pissartist formerly known as Ted


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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Beefymcfc » Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:33 pm

Ted Hughes wrote:The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.

Let's face it, the President of FIFA puts himself above kings/queens, governments, and nations, demanding tax/vat free status as well as taking control of all things from hotel booking policies to TV rights. If you can put yourselves above another countries laws you can surely make your own rules up for your own.

I equate FIFA HQ to the Vatican. You better have fucking big bollox to go in their and arrest their leader.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby DoomMerchant » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:01 pm

Beefymcfc wrote:
Ted Hughes wrote:The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.

Let's face it, the President of FIFA puts himself above kings/queens, governments, and nations, demanding tax/vat free status as well as taking control of all things from hotel booking policies to TV rights. If you can put yourselves above another countries laws you can surely make your own rules up for your own.

I equate FIFA HQ to the Vatican. You better have fucking big bollox to go in their and arrest their leader.

Make the new Pope head up FIFA then. He's kinda awesometastic for a Catholic. Couldn't be worse.

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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Wonderwall » Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:49 am

DoomMerchant wrote:
Beefymcfc wrote:
Ted Hughes wrote:The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.

Let's face it, the President of FIFA puts himself above kings/queens, governments, and nations, demanding tax/vat free status as well as taking control of all things from hotel booking policies to TV rights. If you can put yourselves above another countries laws you can surely make your own rules up for your own.

I equate FIFA HQ to the Vatican. You better have fucking big bollox to go in their and arrest their leader.

Make the new Pope head up FIFA then. He's kinda awesometastic for a Catholic. Couldn't be worse.


Pope Francis is fucking ITALIAN Doomy, come ITALIAN heading FIFA!!! Think before you write

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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby iwasthere2012 » Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:25 am

Wonderwall wrote:
DoomMerchant wrote:
Beefymcfc wrote:
Ted Hughes wrote:The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.

Let's face it, the President of FIFA puts himself above kings/queens, governments, and nations, demanding tax/vat free status as well as taking control of all things from hotel booking policies to TV rights. If you can put yourselves above another countries laws you can surely make your own rules up for your own.

I equate FIFA HQ to the Vatican. You better have fucking big bollox to go in their and arrest their leader.

Make the new Pope head up FIFA then. He's kinda awesometastic for a Catholic. Couldn't be worse.


Pope Francis is fucking ITALIAN Doomy, come ITALIAN heading FIFA!!! Think before you write


I think you'll find, he's Argentinian. Born in Buenos Aires
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Wonderwall » Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:38 am

iwasthere2012 wrote:
Wonderwall wrote:
DoomMerchant wrote:
Beefymcfc wrote:
Ted Hughes wrote:The 'don't release anything which looks bad for Sepp Blatter or his chums' rule would be violated. Which to FIFA will be like the 'Prime Directive' in Star Trek.

Let's face it, the President of FIFA puts himself above kings/queens, governments, and nations, demanding tax/vat free status as well as taking control of all things from hotel booking policies to TV rights. If you can put yourselves above another countries laws you can surely make your own rules up for your own.

I equate FIFA HQ to the Vatican. You better have fucking big bollox to go in their and arrest their leader.

Make the new Pope head up FIFA then. He's kinda awesometastic for a Catholic. Couldn't be worse.


Pope Francis is fucking ITALIAN Doomy, come ITALIAN heading FIFA!!! Think before you write


I think you'll find, he's Argentinian. Born in Buenos Aires

why let facts get in the way of a good story..... José Joelson Inácio was south american but resided in Italy and was involved in Italian match fixing! Come on, we can an all see it :-)
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Ted Hughes » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:53 pm

Another whistleblower has come forward claiming a member of the executive committie asked for money in exchange for votes.

Told you: Watergate. Wait til the FBI get stuck into them & they all start trying to save themselves from prosecution. With a bit of luck, they'll find something on Platini. He voted for Qatar I believe ? Why would anyone vote for a World Cup in Qatar, except for money or favours ?

May as well hold it at the North Pole or under the fucking sea.
The pissartist formerly known as Ted


Some take the bible for what it's worth.. when they say that the rags shall inherit the Earth...
Well I heard that the Sheikh... bought Carlos Tevez this week...& you fuckers aint gettin' nothin..
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby carl_feedthegoat » Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:10 pm

Ted Hughes wrote:Another whistleblower has come forward claiming a member of the executive committie asked for money in exchange for votes.

Told you: Watergate. Wait til the FBI get stuck into them & they all start trying to save themselves from prosecution. With a bit of luck, they'll find something on Platini. He voted for Qatar I believe ? Why would anyone vote for a World Cup in Qatar, except for money or favours ?

May as well hold it at the North Pole or under the fucking sea.

Lescott would be a world beater if it was played under the sea.
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Re: the fifa corruption report

Postby Ted Hughes » Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:16 pm

carl_feedthegoat wrote:
Ted Hughes wrote:Another whistleblower has come forward claiming a member of the executive committie asked for money in exchange for votes.

Told you: Watergate. Wait til the FBI get stuck into them & they all start trying to save themselves from prosecution. With a bit of luck, they'll find something on Platini. He voted for Qatar I believe ? Why would anyone vote for a World Cup in Qatar, except for money or favours ?

May as well hold it at the North Pole or under the fucking sea.

Lescott would be a world beater if it was played under the sea.

Not bad tbf.
The pissartist formerly known as Ted


Some take the bible for what it's worth.. when they say that the rags shall inherit the Earth...
Well I heard that the Sheikh... bought Carlos Tevez this week...& you fuckers aint gettin' nothin..
Ted Hughes
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