Build up vs Scouse b******s

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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Bear60 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:20 pm

Don't give a fuck about this anymore to be honest just give it to the horrible thieving work shy bin-dipping cunts now and let them brag for evermore
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Chopper » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:29 pm

Have a funny feeling that there will be a few twists and turns in tomorrow’s match. Pep doesn’t make many mistakes.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby iwasthere2012 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:33 pm

Harry Dowd scored wrote:
iwasthere2012 wrote:
john68 wrote:I'd hate some of you lot to be in the trenches next to me.....what a bunch of mard arses this generation must be. Brave when it's easy, all run away when the enemy attacks.

Maybe a generational, all spoonfed and handed on a plate, thing. Maybe that's just the way of the modern world.

When the Kippax formed as a singing area in the mid 60's, the loudest noise was always when City were put under pressure, usually as a response to the opposition scoring. The atmosphere was normally like that of the Hamburg game. The Kippax took it as a DUTY to get behind the team and lift them.

Now all I hear is "I can't be's all shit...fuck the lazy bastards." "it's all his fault or their fault".
Shit happens, Great sides do lose to shit sides, it happens to every team. Every team falls down, it's how they stand back up that matters.
Currently City seem to have an issue with mental strength. Collapse v the dippers on 2 occasions and the rags last Saturday, (Fidel is right). It has to be fixed, whether with new players or a huge kick up the arse.

he Dippers next leg is NOT a City team game, it is a City Club game. Team and supporters. Pep controls the team but it is the fans that HAVE to create the noise whatever is happening on the pitch. The Scousers understand that, though they have no idea where they should behaviourly stop.

There should be no point of the game where those few dippers should be heard, they should be drowned out from minute one and their team should only know that City fans are in the ground.

I feel a tome coming on so anyone who wants to skip to the next post, by all means do so now.

I think it’s safe to say you are one of, if not the most respected posters on here, IMO.
And there is a reason, for it. You’ve been there, seen it all probably have the T-shirt.

For what it’s worth I fully agree with you regarding how to support. I don’t have the right to say what you have, due to the fact I see most City games from my sofa. I used to go to all the Ireland games however and can totally relate to the loudest noise coming after the opposition have scored and the team needing a boost, knowing we are there behind them.
My old man used to say, it’s always when times are bad, that’s when to put on a show.

No matter how you are hurting you need to put on more than just a brave face, you need to actually be brave and step outside your comfort zone for the team.

However, although I agree with the generational differences you refer to, I think there are quite a few of us in here that are in the 50-60 year bracket that are by no means finished with City, but very nearly finished with football.

Believe me, I know I’ll get over it as soon as the next game starts, but the biggest disappointment is the perpetual struggle we have with external influences to the result and what should be an honest contest.

I think a lot of our players see what is going on and get extremely frustrated. Some handle it better than others.

Some on here blame Pep and say he doesn’t get it and they’ll never warm to him no matter what we win. I get it and that’s fair enough but I think they may as well jack it in now as well, as I think Pep does get it and the fact is he has been given a different brief from the top, and is following the agenda expected of him.
He along with the team are trying to achieve the ultimate goal of the CL all the while playing from the outside in.
We are trying to break into the elite and have to do it by being absolutely perfect on the pitch. We can’t acknowledge the obvious external detrimental influences that are placed in our way.
The Sheik plans on us being their at the top table, so we can’t dismantle the table on the way there.

My problem and I suspect a few others on here is, do you really want us to be part of this when we eventually get there.
Both domestically and in Europe, I’m just tired of watching a rigged game.

The only thing keeping me going is the belief City can do this working against the odds. But what then? Football was different back in the days of the Kippax, that you remember. It may always have been a business, but it was still a sport then and seemed fair and a team could achieve a lot through unity and honest endeavour.

City under Pep are playing a beautiful brand of football and it is what the Club as a whole want. Having strong characters, leaders etc. is not the the priority. Having skilful players comfortable under pressure is and 9 times out of 10 it would be enough for us, to get over the line following Pep/The Club’s philosophy, but coming up against injustice when we get to the real business end of things, time and time again, then you need strong leaders to unify the team.
A loyal vociferous crowd can help with that when things get hopeless, but a lot of the disillusionment of the crowd is more to do with dis belief of how low the game has got.
How low the game that we all grew up playing and loving, has stooped.

I think City are good enough to go out and beat Liverpool tomorrow but I also believe we will not be allowed go through.
I also believe that half the team know this and are probably resigned to the fact.
I believe that becomes part of a debilitating cycle and it’s hard to know how to break it.

Right enough of that. I know i sound down still, but my disappointment is with football, not with City.

Hello there, I see you are in Ireland, same as me albeit in the north, Londonderry or should I say Doire, anyway, fantastic post, your points eloquently put, however may I be so bold as to take issue with the conspiracy theory aspect, the part where you allude to City not being allowed to go through even if they win.
I know what you are saying, have said it myself, but you put together objective evidence of such subterfuge and I suggest you could make a good living as a barrister.
There is only anecdotal evidence that we are being shafted by the powers that be, nothing that would hold up in a court, I have been ridiculed in the past putting up similar opinions that you have posted.
So what do we do, suck it up and just carry on with our support? I cannot see any other way, the media, along with the old elite clubs like United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs seem to have an agenda against City, can’t think why can you? Of course you can, we have broke into their nice comfy little cartel and they do not like it.
In conclusion all I can say is this bad feeling we have after the past week will pass, everything always does, nothing like a good victory to put to bed all the negatives, so come on City wipe the floor with the scousers!

The conspiracy/agenda debate has been done to death on here as it has on BM I’m sure. For me I don’t actually see a hierarchical conspiracy as such, but a money driven agenda that has many diverse complicit components, that when they are all pulling in the same direction, makes it very difficult for us to succeed.

I think it does get to the players. It is most noticeable when something big is at stake. The hardest thing to take for the fans is blatant refereeing mistakes that can’t solely be explained by incompetence.
If we think that doesn’t affect players, just because they are highly payed professionals, well then we are overestimating or underestimating
them depending on your point of view of human nature and their sense of injustice.

Throw into the mix the one rule for one and another for us and what Liverpool were complicit in, off the pitch last Wednesday.
They got what hey wanted on the pitch so the damage is already done.

You can’t blame people on here that can see with their own eyes what happens when we are really needing a level playing field. It’s alright against some minnow in the league, but when our result affects one of the media favourites there is a history of what looks like a helping hand given.
It then is glossed over in the live broadcast and completely omitted in the media the following day.

We’re conditioned to it like Pavlov’s dog and some of our own then start to doubt it.
We think that this is just normal and get on with it.

So you can’t blame me for thinking that if necessary, the same helping hand will be available tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure Liverpool will need any more help. We’ll find out just how much character this team has or just how much this has got to them.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby brite blu sky » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:02 pm

carl_feedthegoat wrote:
john68 wrote:As an addendum.....We saw a 2-0 deficit turned on its head on Saturday. 2-0 at Half time, 45mins to play.
On Tuesday, it is 3-0 at half time with a full 90mins left to play.

As it stands. it remains within our scope to win and is far from being out of our reach.

We have let in 6 goals john...6 fuckign goals...our defense with VInny is shit.

There is no fuckign way these cunts wont score at least 1 goal against the crap we have playing at the back.

Sorry mate...the most important match was the other day and its affected everyone more so than losing out on this shitty CL corrupt competition tomorrow.

J68 is spot on as per. the younger generation carry a sliver spoon around ( not carl or course, never )... but i suppose it is times like this that they learn to grow some and sign with their blood.
We are all sore from the last two games and a significant but not total part of that is the officiating. This team is now in a bit of a crisis, which is why i highlighted carl's post, we have shipped 6, more importantly we have gone to shit for periods of each game, the team and Pep will be 100% looking at exactly that.. DOES ANYONE REALLY THINK THAT THE TEAM ARE NOT AWARE OF THIS AND SERIOUSLY LOOKING AT THEMSELVES? They know they have let everyone down including themselves.

All City games are sacrosanct, all of them. Stoke away, rags at home, PL, FA cup, CL

the fucking lot

There is no doubt that we are getting shafted by the powers that be in football, even the choice of ref is fucking outrageous.
However, that is the field we are playing on, that is what we are up against, that is the reality.

The best way to deal with this insipid corruption is to take it on... right in it's face

The best way to start that attitude is to realise that all City games are hallowed, it doesn't matter if you don't care for the CL, City fans are supporting City not some two bit jumped up committee and their bent minions, FUCK THEM AND WIN IT.

This is the time to stand up and fight these fuckers off and piss them off by fucking winning, and winning in style with fucking big smile on our face.

Fans need to start to realise the best thing City can do is to beat UEFA despite everything they try to throw at us and everything they put in front of us.
We have the tools, we have the team to do it, right now. We can trash the scouse 4-0 5-1 6-2 7-3 whatever it fucking takes, this team can even trash that shiite Madrid team, and Bayern and Barcelona to boot.

The fan base has to shed this defeatist shit and WANT to win it and believe it WILL happen.

Personally i can picture the team jumping up and down with the trophy and 30,000 city faithful belting out full blast FUCK UEFA... FUCK UEFA.. FUCK UEFA

hands up who wouldn't want that
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Harry Dowd scored » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:26 pm

:oops: gt
iwasthere2012 wrote:
Harry Dowd scored wrote:
iwasthere2012 wrote:
john68 wrote:I'd hate some of you lot to be in the trenches next to me.....what a bunch of mard arses this generation must be. Brave when it's easy, all run away when the enemy attacks.

Maybe a generational, all spoonfed and handed on a plate, thing. Maybe that's just the way of the modern world.

When the Kippax formed as a singing area in the mid 60's, the loudest noise was always when City were put under pressure, usually as a response to the opposition scoring. The atmosphere was normally like that of the Hamburg game. The Kippax took it as a DUTY to get behind the team and lift them.

Now all I hear is "I can't be's all shit...fuck the lazy bastards." "it's all his fault or their fault".
Shit happens, Great sides do lose to shit sides, it happens to every team. Every team falls down, it's how they stand back up that matters.
Currently City seem to have an issue with mental strength. Collapse v the dippers on 2 occasions and the rags last Saturday, (Fidel is right). It has to be fixed, whether with new players or a huge kick up the arse.

he Dippers next leg is NOT a City team game, it is a City Club game. Team and supporters. Pep controls the team but it is the fans that HAVE to create the noise whatever is happening on the pitch. The Scousers understand that, though they have no idea where they should behaviourly stop.

There should be no point of the game where those few dippers should be heard, they should be drowned out from minute one and their team should only know that City fans are in the ground.

I feel a tome coming on so anyone who wants to skip to the next post, by all means do so now.

I think it’s safe to say you are one of, if not the most respected posters on here, IMO.
And there is a reason, for it. You’ve been there, seen it all probably have the T-shirt.

For what it’s worth I fully agree with you regarding how to support. I don’t have the right to say what you have, due to the fact I see most City games from my sofa. I used to go to all the Ireland games however and can totally relate to the loudest noise coming after the opposition have scored and the team needing a boost, knowing we are there behind them.
My old man used to say, it’s always when times are bad, that’s when to put on a show.

No matter how you are hurting you need to put on more than just a brave face, you need to actually be brave and step outside your comfort zone for the team.

However, although I agree with the generational differences you refer to, I think there are quite a few of us in here that are in the 50-60 year bracket that are by no means finished with City, but very nearly finished with football.

Believe me, I know I’ll get over it as soon as the next game starts, but the biggest disappointment is the perpetual struggle we have with external influences to the result and what should be an honest contest.

I think a lot of our players see what is going on and get extremely frustrated. Some handle it better than others.

Some on here blame Pep and say he doesn’t get it and they’ll never warm to him no matter what we win. I get it and that’s fair enough but I think they may as well jack it in now as well, as I think Pep does get it and the fact is he has been given a different brief from the top, and is following the agenda expected of him.
He along with the team are trying to achieve the ultimate goal of the CL all the while playing from the outside in.
We are trying to break into the elite and have to do it by being absolutely perfect on the pitch. We can’t acknowledge the obvious external detrimental influences that are placed in our way.
The Sheik plans on us being their at the top table, so we can’t dismantle the table on the way there.

My problem and I suspect a few others on here is, do you really want us to be part of this when we eventually get there.
Both domestically and in Europe, I’m just tired of watching a rigged game.

The only thing keeping me going is the belief City can do this working against the odds. But what then? Football was different back in the days of the Kippax, that you remember. It may always have been a business, but it was still a sport then and seemed fair and a team could achieve a lot through unity and honest endeavour.

City under Pep are playing a beautiful brand of football and it is what the Club as a whole want. Having strong characters, leaders etc. is not the the priority. Having skilful players comfortable under pressure is and 9 times out of 10 it would be enough for us, to get over the line following Pep/The Club’s philosophy, but coming up against injustice when we get to the real business end of things, time and time again, then you need strong leaders to unify the team.
A loyal vociferous crowd can help with that when things get hopeless, but a lot of the disillusionment of the crowd is more to do with dis belief of how low the game has got.
How low the game that we all grew up playing and loving, has stooped.

I think City are good enough to go out and beat Liverpool tomorrow but I also believe we will not be allowed go through.
I also believe that half the team know this and are probably resigned to the fact.
I believe that becomes part of a debilitating cycle and it’s hard to know how to break it.

Right enough of that. I know i sound down still, but my disappointment is with football, not with City.

Hello there, I see you are in Ireland, same as me albeit in the north, Londonderry or should I say Doire, anyway, fantastic post, your points eloquently put, however may I be so bold as to take issue with the conspiracy theory aspect, the part where you allude to City not being allowed to go through even if they win.
I know what you are saying, have said it myself, but you put together objective evidence of such subterfuge and I suggest you could make a good living as a barrister.
There is only anecdotal evidence that we are being shafted by the powers that be, nothing that would hold up in a court, I have been ridiculed in the past putting up similar opinions that you have posted.
So what do we do, suck it up and just carry on with our support? I cannot see any other way, the media, along with the old elite clubs like United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs seem to have an agenda against City, can’t think why can you? Of course you can, we have broke into their nice comfy little cartel and they do not like it.
In conclusion all I can say is this bad feeling we have after the past week will pass, everything always does, nothing like a good victory to put to bed all the negatives, so come on City wipe the floor with the scousers!

The conspiracy/agenda debate has been done to death on here as it has on BM I’m sure. For me I don’t actually see a hierarchical conspiracy as such, but a money driven agenda that has many diverse complicit components, that when they are all pulling in the same direction, makes it very difficult for us to succeed.

I think it does get to the players. It is most noticeable when something big is at stake. The hardest thing to take for the fans is blatant refereeing mistakes that can’t solely be explained by incompetence.
If we think that doesn’t affect players, just because they are highly payed professionals, well then we are overestimating or underestimating
them depending on your point of view of human nature and their sense of injustice.

Throw into the mix the one rule for one and another for us and what Liverpool were complicit in, off the pitch last Wednesday.
They got what hey wanted on the pitch so the damage is already done.

You can’t blame people on here that can see with their own eyes what happens when we are really needing a level playing field. It’s alright against some minnow in the league, but when our result affects one of the media favourites there is a history of what looks like a helping hand given.
It then is glossed over in the live broadcast and completely omitted in the media the following day.

We’re conditioned to it like Pavlov’s dog and some of our own then start to doubt it.
We think that this is just normal and get on with it.

So you can’t blame me for thinking that if necessary, the same helping hand will be available tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure Liverpool will need any more help. We’ll find out just how much character this team has or just how much this has got to them.

Hello there, thank you for your reply, I am not trying to blame anybody for anything, the point I was trying to make is, where is the objective evidence of these helping hands/wrong decisions.
I have debated this issue many times, and, always the same answer, “ all teams get bad decisions against them” then you get a reel if incidents rolled out.
Don’t get me wrong I am with you on this, but have always failed to convince any non blue, I am sure you must have experienced similar.
I have really enjoyed the football we have played this season, and it will be disappointing for it to end on a sour note, let’s hope for a moral boosting performance tomorrow, that will lift everybody for the spurs game
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby sheblue » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:53 pm

Agree with what John has said.
Simply the whingers need to grow a pair and stop acting like spoilt brats.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby City64 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:54 pm

MEN reporting Otamendi is out for tomorrow.
Not really here

Fuck VAR
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby carl_feedthegoat » Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:59 pm

City64 wrote:MEN reporting Otamendi is out for tomorrow.

To be honest , hes had a blip in his form lately but Id still have him in over Vinny.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Bluemoon4610 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:44 pm

Proelia wrote:Any cunt that doesn't think we can do this can fuck off from posting and attending and let fans that aren't cowardly pricks get behind their team, 5-0 you bin dipping, hub cap stealing, grief mongering dole twats

^This. All day long. No reason that we can't beat this shower by 4 or 5 (again). If we take our chances even EUFA's puppet ref can't affect the result. Just need to hit the target more often than we did on Saturday - Karius is not De Gea.....
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby KinkyKinkladze » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:31 am

This is going to be Hamburg all over again. But this time without smashing the woodwork five hundred times.

5-1. Winner in the last 6 minutes. My boy raheem.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby john68 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:04 am

carl_feedthegoat wrote:
john68 wrote:As an addendum.....We saw a 2-0 deficit turned on its head on Saturday. 2-0 at Half time, 45mins to play.
On Tuesday, it is 3-0 at half time with a full 90mins left to play.

As it stands. it remains within our scope to win and is far from being out of our reach.

We have let in 6 goals john...6 fuckign goals...our defense with VInny is shit.

There is no fuckign way these cunts wont score at least 1 goal against the crap we have playing at the back.

Sorry mate...the most important match was the other day and its affected everyone more so than losing out on this shitty CL corrupt competition tomorrow.

Carl, we are the same emotional being from a different mother mate and I feel exactly the same anger and pain as you and just about every other passionate City fan...but.....I whilst I accept what you say, there comes a time when after being dumped on our combined arses, we HAVE to stand up and fught back.

I am certainif I fucked you over in a business deal, you would NOT siton your arse and cry into your next cocktail. You would be up and at my throat, fighting back to destroy me.
Now that is how I feel. Devastated, angry, gutted, in pain.....but THIS IS NOT OVER, WE ARE NOT BEATEN NOR OUT OF THIS UNTILL THE CUNT OF A REF BLOWS HIS FINAL WHISTLE AND WE COUNT UP THE SCORE....Then and only then will I accept the result and either celebrate a great victory or gird my ageing loins ready to batter Spurs in the next game.

Life is hard mate, we all get knocked over, the big deal,as you are well aware, is how you stand back up again.
The capitulation in the derby was horrendous...but it is now time to stand back up and fight like fuck so it doesn't happen again.

And I still love you, you over emotional softarse git.....:-)
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby john68 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:23 am

Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated mate.

The evidence of UeFA corruption is compelling in more than just an anecdotal way. Much of it is fact, checkable and though some aspects remain circumstantial, the sheer weight of evidence can only lead to one conclusion.....the old order protecting their corruptly earned, maximised income streams from what they call the nation clubs of Abble Dabble and Qatar...City and PSG. The only 2 clubs with the resources to challenge their profits. None of this has anything to do with football, it is about money; many £millions.

It is precisely for that reason I dearly want City to win it. In doing so, we don't just beat our cup final opponents consisting of an opposing 11 players, we beat each and every one of those corrupt bastards, whether they are the refs, the rags, Barca, Real or Bayern. We beat the corrupt institution of UeFA and all of its corrupt machinations designed to stop us in our tracks. We also beat the mainstream media who have created huge monoliths out of their favoured clubs by relentlessly arselicking them in there rampage for profit.

Winning the CL for City will be ONEHELLUVAVICTORY. and I really want it, if only to shit in it the pot and hand it back saying..."We won it, but it's a fukking useless meaningless lump of shit filled metal."
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Beefymcfc » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:04 am

But if that's the case John, their never going to let it happen, the clear enalty on Sterling in the away leg tells us that.

Saying that, I'm going into this game with an open mind and actually looking forward to it. We have nothing to lose and if we put our game together we can beat any team with the score we need. And if there is some skullduggery going on, it should be fairly easy to point out. Although, they shouldn't need to, one would think.
In the words of my Old Man, "Life will never be the same without Man City, so get it in while you can".

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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Justified logic » Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:11 am

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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby mr_nool » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:14 am

I have a very hard time getting worked up for this game. I'm still far too pissed off about the last week's debacles.
At the moment I'm seriously worried about us losing against Spurs as well and our team of bottlers going into panic mode and let the scum catch us.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby ENIAM NAM » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:21 am

mr_nool wrote:I have a very hard time getting worked up for this game. I'm still far too pissed off about the last week's debacles.
At the moment I'm seriously worried about us losing against Spurs as well and our team of bottlers going into panic mode and let the scum catch us.

Haha. That’s not glass half empty, it’s fucking dry as a bone.

If you will take a bet on us winning the league, let me know....
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Beefymcfc » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:26 am

Justified logic wrote:Image

In one!!!

As the late Jim Bowen would say.
In the words of my Old Man, "Life will never be the same without Man City, so get it in while you can".

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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby mr_nool » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:26 am

ENIAM NAM wrote:
mr_nool wrote:I have a very hard time getting worked up for this game. I'm still far too pissed off about the last week's debacles.
At the moment I'm seriously worried about us losing against Spurs as well and our team of bottlers going into panic mode and let the scum catch us.

Haha. That’s not glass half empty, it’s fucking dry as a bone.

If you will take a bet on us winning the league, let me know....

We just look so fucking fragile at the moment. And I have a really hard time getting over the second half on Saturday. The Ethiad was fucking bouncing in the first period and we were in total control, and the we come out in the second and just take the foot off the gas and after their goals we lost all composure. I just want to cherish my anger and disappointment for a little while longer.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby ENIAM NAM » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:29 am

mr_nool wrote:
ENIAM NAM wrote:
mr_nool wrote:I have a very hard time getting worked up for this game. I'm still far too pissed off about the last week's debacles.
At the moment I'm seriously worried about us losing against Spurs as well and our team of bottlers going into panic mode and let the scum catch us.

Haha. That’s not glass half empty, it’s fucking dry as a bone.

If you will take a bet on us winning the league, let me know....

We just look so fucking fragile at the moment. And I have a really hard time getting over the second half on Saturday. The Ethiad was fucking bouncing in the first period and we were in total control, and the we come out in the second and just take the foot off the gas and after their goals we lost all composure. I just want to cherish my anger and disappointment for a little while longer.

Fair enough. It’s certainly been a shit week.

A long shot, but a result tonight and that will all change though.
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Re: Build up vs Scouse b******s

Postby Bear60 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:06 am

Bear60 wrote:Don't give a fuck about this anymore to be honest just give it to the horrible thieving work shy bin-dipping cunts now and let them brag for evermore

Fuck this I have changed my mind let's fucking smash them
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