The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

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The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:34 am

I felt he deserved his own thread.

This is El Mundo Deportivo and I'll translate as an edit. Must admit I hadn't heard of this before (lots about dodgy corrupt La Liga matches) so here it is: ... -cope.html

El ‘caso Fuenlabrada’ podría acabar hasta con Javier Tebas. El presidente de LaLiga podría dimitir de su cargo por todo lo sucedido tras los positivos del equipo de Segunda División, que ya tiene 16, y el consiguiente aplazamiento del partido contra el Deportivo de la Coruña que ha levantado tanta controversia.

Así informa Tiempo de Juego de la COPE. Tebas habría quedado muy afectado por el comunicado emitido por el Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD), que sería ya habría superado el tope de su paciencia. A eso, se ha de sumar que el ‘caso Fuenlabrada’ habría llegado a afectar incluso a su entorno familiar, en especial a su hijo, que ejerce como asesor jurídico del Fuenlabrada y que podría verse afectado a nivel laboral.

Tebas habría puesto el tema de su continuidad sobre la mesa en una reunión de este jueves con varios miembros de LaLiga. Esta situación ha tirado por tierra el pacto al que llegaron RFEF-CSD-LaLiga para la continuidad del campeonato y el protocolo que se debía seguir al respecto con el coronavirus. De hecho, el mensaje del Consejo Superior de Deportes habría llevado a meditar a LaLiga en dejar de llevar el control del protocolo de cara a la nueva temporada, que arranca el 12 de septiembre, y que lo lleve el organismo del Estado. Todo esto, sumado ahora a la denuncia a LaLiga de la alcaldesa de A Coruña, tendría en una situación de tensión a Tebas.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:50 am

Here's an English version background to the case to be going onwards (cos I'm just finding out about it myself!) ... b4621.html

MARCA has gained access to the report submitted by LaLiga to the CSD (the Spanish sports council), which explains in detail everything that happened in the case of Fuenlabrada and their positive coronavirus cases.The CSD accused LaLiga and Fuenlabrada of not properly fulfilling health and safety protocols as players at the club tested positive for COVID-19, leading to the postponement of their match away at Deportivo La Coruna on Monday in the final round of 2019/20 LaLiga SmartBank fixtures.LaLiga insisted that the protocols were met in a document that includes an extensive chronological account of the events the two days prior to the postponed match.Below is an extract of said report.Saturday, July 1808:15. The LaLiga inspector arrives at the Estadio Fernando Torres. Players, backroom staff and club employees follow protocol by entering stadium in a staggered manner. Protocol is confirmed as being followed in terms of the use of face masks and temperature readings are carried out without incident, as well as alcoholic gel being used.09:00. Following the protocols of the return of the competition, all Fuenlabrada staff are tested for COVID-19 (65 people).22:30. At 22:30, 14 hours and 30 minutes before the deadline, an alert is received of a player testing positive for COVID-19, but his identity isn't revealed. Efforts are made to discover to which club the player belongs. It is confirmed that it is Fuenlabrada and the appropriate procedure for such a situation is carried out. The rest of staff test negative.22:38. The laboratory contacts Fuenlabrada's doctor to advise him of the player who has tested positive. LaLiga contact the Fuenlabrada president and main contact, advising them that there has been a positive test and that the appropriate measures in this situation will be applied.Sunday, July 1909:00. COVID-19 and express tests are carried out on the staff of Fuenlabrada at the request of LaLiga. All express tests come up negative. A nurse travels to the player's home and carries out express tests on the player and those who live with him. All tests come up negative.19:00. A text message is received from the laboratory which states that there are two positive tests from Fuenlabrada and a potential third. All other tests are negative. It is reported that this concerns members of the club staff, not players, and the affected individuals are identified.20:00. The club are informed that a further set of tests will be carried out the following morning along with a second test for those affected to confirm previous results, with the findings to be sent according to the emergency procedure.22:40. A text message is sent from the laboratory to confirm that the third person in question has tested positive.Monday, July 2007:50. COVID-19 tests are carried out on Fuenlabrada staff that tested negative on Saturday, July 18, and on Sunday, July 19 (46 people).08:45. Fuenlabrada start the journey to Madrid airport.17:15. With club staff already in A Coruna, the laboratory inform club medical staff and LaLiga by phone that there is a possibility of eight positive cases (six players and two staff).17:45. LaLiga is informed over the phone that there are four positive cases, (three players and one member of staff) and is told that the four remaining tests must be reprocessed and that they won't be able to give results for another few hours. After receiving this information, the CSD, the Spanish football federation, the Madrid regional government and the Galician regional government are immediately contacted.23:58. The laboratory informs that of the four tests that had to be reprocessed, two are positive (two players) and two are negative (one player and one member of staff).
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:01 am

Rough translation:

The Fuenlabrada case could even finish off Javier Tebas. The La Liga President could resign from his post because of what has happened after the ‘positives’ of the second division team, which now number 16 and the consequent postponement of the match against Deportivo La Coruna which has carried so much controversy.
This is reported by ‘Gametime’ of Radio Cope. Tebas would have been very upset by the communication issued by the Superior Council of Sport, already at the limit of it’s patience. To this you have to add that the Fuenlabrada case would have come to affect even his family circle, especially his son, who is legal adviser to Fuenlabrada who could see his position affected
Tebas would have put the topic of his continuation in post on the table in a Thursday meeting with several members of La Liga. This situation has wrecked the RFEF-CSD-La Liga pact for the continuity of the leagues and the protocols to follow ref Covid19.
In fact the message of the Superior Sports Council has even gone so far as to question whether La Liga should give up control of protocols going into the new season, which starts 12th Sept, and that the State organisation (Council) should carry them out.
All this, together with the complaint to La Liga by the mayoress of La Coruna, will have Tebas in a very tense sitiation.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:07 am

MADRID, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Spain's Superior Sports Committee (CSD) has accused Spanish second division team CF Fuenlabrada of a "serious error" in traveling to play Deportivo La Coruna on Monday.

The government body issued a communique late on Wednesday night in relation to the game which had to be suspended after seven members of the Fuenlabrada squad and three members of the club's technical staff tested positive for COVID-19.

The postponement of the game has caused great controversy in Spain, as it was part of the last round of this season's matches and the rest of the day's play went ahead as planned.

Those results saw Deportivo relegated to the third tier of the Spanish game without even kicking a ball, while Fuenlabrada know that a draw would assure them of a top-six finish.

Deportivo and Elche, who are currently sixth, have both said that the decision has "adulterated" the competition in giving Fuenlabrada an unfair advantage, while the CSD says that Fuenlabrada's decision to travel knowing the club had seen a player test positive for COVID-19 "put the health of its players, the public in general and the competition" at risk.

"What is even more serious is that the club and La Liga knew at 22:30 on Sunday that there had been three more positives. That should have seen the relevant authorities alerted, but the Health Department in the Community of Madrid were not informed," explained the CSD.

There is still no date for the game to be played, if indeed it will be played at all. Meanwhile, the first leg of the promotion play-off between Girona and Almeria has been postponed and is now unlikely to be played until August, meaning that not only are Fuenlabrada, Deportivo and Elche affected by the incident, but also the three sides who had already been assured of a playoff spot. Enditem
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:09 am

Three more players and a Fuenlabrada employee, who have been confined since Monday in a hotel in A Coruña, tested positive for diagnostic tests carried out on Thursday and are infected with covid-19. There are already 10 footballers of the Madrid team affected by the outbreak that led to the postponement of their match against Deportivo on the last day of the Second leg, and nine of them are on Galician soil. The warnings on the rest of the team’s members (37 in total) are maximum, to the point that the plans that the health services of Galicia and Madrid devised so that those who had not been declared positive could return to their addresses.

All will continue in A Coruña while the last day of the Second is still at stake between communiqués, reports, meetings, harangues and legal strategies. Competition is paralyzed. Girona and Almería had to play the first game of the promotion last night. “They have to tell us when we should play,” said Mario Silva, coach of the Andalusian team. In Zaragoza they have neither date nor rival, because they can cross Elche or Fuenlabrada. “We do not deserve this state of uncertainty,” lamented central Alberto Guitián.

But LaLiga is involved in other matters. For example, in the elaboration of a report that in 11 pages details his version of what happened with the Fuenlabrada between Saturday and Monday and in which he replicates the very harsh statement from the Higher Sports Council (CSD), which on Wednesday accused the Fuenlabrada of not complying with the protocols, blamed LaLiga for this and pointed out both for not reporting the situation to the health authorities and embarking on a trip to A Coruña.

The report sent to the CSD by the entity chaired by Javier Tebas delves into the deep rift that now separates them and reminds the highest sports body in the country that the protocol for returning to competition and acting in the event of a positive (allowed that in a group with a single case of covid-19 there would be no confinement) was approved last May with their consent and that, in addition, was sent to the health authorities of all the autonomous communities. LaLiga clarifies that all the clubs have followed their indications in situations of indications of possible contagions, so that Fuenlabrada is freed from blame.

The story that LaLiga draws confirms a positive first from a Fuenlabrada player on Saturday night. Then it became known, and this is clarified in the report, that he is a footballer who had not jumped in the match played the previous day against Elche. On Sunday morning, 63 PCR diagnostic tests were carried out on the Fuenlabrada staff and personnel, and at seven o’clock in the afternoon there is evidence of two more infections and one doubtful one that was confirmed that same night.

Why does Fuenlabrada leave with four infected the following day of travel and, in addition, nobody reports the situation to the health authorities? LaLiga’s response points to the fact that the approved protocol is not breached and that whoever had to communicate what was happening, as defined by a royal decree approved on June 9, was the laboratory in charge of the analyzes. “It was confirmed that he did so,” clarifies the report. What it does not say is that the laboratories send the tests daily, so it does not seem likely that some certified cases on Sunday afternoon and night were checked by the Madrid health service on Monday at 8.45 in the morning, when Fuenlabrada undertook move to Barajas.

In its wakefulness to attend to all the fronts it has open, LaLiga clarifies that on Monday afternoon, as soon as it was recorded that there was suspicion of positives in eight of the samples taken that morning, it contacted the CSD and the Federation to jointly decide if the day was suspended, that the first contact in this regard took place just under three hours before the scheduled start of the matches and that in less than an hour and a half, the final, consensual resolution was reached, that it only be postponed the match between Deportivo and Fuenlabrada.

LaLiga, supporter of the start of suspending the entire day, also stresses that it was on Monday from six in the afternoon that contacts with the health authorities of Madrid and Galicia began to inform them of the situation. It was then when a bomb that had been detonated for 48 hours exploded and whose expansion does not stop between reproaches and more reproaches between the different sports authorities, all back to the brawl.

Harsh penalties if negligence is proven

The FEF Competition Committee studies whether Fuenlabrada could have been negligent when moving to A Coruña to play its match against Deportivo in which the Madrid club was playing for a place in the playoff for promotion to the First Division and the Galician entity its permanence in the Second Division. EL PAÍS has had access to the resolution by which Competition, based on Deportivo’s complaint, has opened a file with Fuenlabrada. “The grounds for such a request [apertura del expediente] It is carried out with the understanding that the CF Fuenlabrada SAD would have breached essential obligations imposed by the health and sports authorities as a consequence of the health crisis caused by the covid-19, and by the federal regulations that must regulate the conduct of the clubs to guarantee the integrity and the normal operation of sports competition ”.

Deportivo appeals to articles 68 and 74 of the FEF disciplinary code, both penalized with loss of points and demotion. Article 68 refers to behaviors contrary to good sports order. The 74 says: “They are specifically considered as very serious infractions, the omission of the duty to ensure the correct development of sporting events that imply risks for the spectators or for the participants”.

Feijóo sees irresponsibility and does not rule out the Xunta denouncing

“It was a trip that should never have occurred,” explained Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Xunta de Galicia, about the sad event of Fuenlabrada in A Coruña. The Galician executive has opened an information file in this regard and its leader does not rule out that the case ends in his legal advice: “We would do it if we understand that they are acts constituting a crime.” Feijóo also pointed out that the risks generated have to be assumed due to the impact produced on public health. The most important outbreak of covid-19 in the health area of ​​A Coruña since the lack of confinement is the one that was imported on the occasion of a football match that did not take place.

“We want to know exactly what happened and the sports and health responsibilities. There has been enormous irresponsibility in the conduct of the club and LaLiga, “said the Galician president, who also warned about the economic impact on the highest-class hotel in the city. “They have suffered many cancellations. Let’s all be a little proportionate and see if we look for solutions so as not to impact as much ”. Feijóo opened the possibility that a bubble could form that could transport the expeditionaries from Fuenlabrada to a nearby location that does not cause as much economic impact in a sector that is already experiencing difficulties. After the last confirmed infections it does not seem an easy solution to settle.

The outrage also prevails in the City Council of A Coruña, which yesterday presented to the Prosecutor’s Office a document requesting that responsibilities that could be even criminal be cleared. “I do not seek prominence, but I defend my city, which is what I am here for,” says the mayor, Inés Rey.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john@staustell » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:13 am

“I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.”
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Tokyo Blue » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:23 am

City don't need to do much. Give these bents cunts enough rope and they will hang themselves.

Hopefully parry next.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby salford city » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:53 am

Mentioned this in another thread. My missus is Galician and a Depor fan and not happy with this although if negligence can be proved, it may save the once mighty Depor from going into the 3rd tier and having to play in the woods.....
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby PeterParker » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:41 am

I don't think anything will happen, even if I really hope Tebas and his entire gang goes to jail.

He has the support of Real Madrid and Barcelona, and the only way he will fall is if Uefalona will turn on them after the robbery of this season.
But it will be a really good subject to follow.

If there is something I am afraid in this fucking bent competition named UCL is the Spanish refs. Lahoz robbed us in two key moments under Pep.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Simister » Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:34 pm

I think the fact he didn't declare a £130k "consultancy" payment from Fuenlabrada could be more damaging to him.

You're right about the Spanish refs though - that last one was appalling.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Mase » Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:18 pm

His eyes look like they have ball bags under them.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Hazy2 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:48 am

With Spain facing a spike in C19 will he ban Madrid from Travelling?
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Simister » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:25 am

Doubt it. And elite sports personnel are exempt from quarantine on arrival.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Nigels Tackle » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:28 am

Hazy2 wrote:With Spain facing a spike in C19 will he ban Madrid from Travelling?

nailed on that they would be trying to work some angle on this if the situation was reversed.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby CTID Hants » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:42 am

Nigels Tackle wrote:
Hazy2 wrote:With Spain facing a spike in C19 will he ban Madrid from Travelling?

nailed on that they would be trying to work some angle on this if the situation was reversed.

Our game is exempt from the latest ruling according to SSN
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john68 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:41 pm

Before we get too triumphal about all this stuff from Spain, we might like to refer to the 'Operacion Puerto' and in particular look at how the Spanish judiciary handled the case. Don' tbuild your hopes up too high that the Spanish authorities will do the right thing, or indeed anything at all, other than do its best toprotect the guilty.

In 2006:-
Police raids in Madrid and Zaragoza found 1,000s of doses of anabolic steroids and 100 bags of blood products, as well as the machinery for transfusions in the property of a Dr Fuentes.
A Lab in Barcelona identified thqat 99 blood bags contained EPO.
The Spanish judiciaryrefused to allow th4e Spanish Cycling Federation to use any of its court papers in their investigations.
The Spanish Cycling Federation suspendedall investigations and closed the files against cyclists.

Dr Fuentes stated that he had also worked with footballers, tennis players and athletes.
French newspaper 'Le Monde' stated it had possession of documentation proving Dr Fuentes had worked with both Barca and Real Madrid in the pre-seasons.
He also stated that he could identify all of his clients.

Proceedings against Fuentes started in 2013 and the judge ordered that Fuentes could not divulge the identities of his clients.

At the end of the case, the judge ruled that all the blood bags were to be destroyed, effectively stopping WADA from using them to identify drugs users. Though WADA eventually won an appeal, but by the time the bags were released, most were useless for identification purposes.

So there you have it, the Spanish authorities and Spanish judiciary actually taking decisions to protect the identification of drugs users and delaying proceedings in order to make identification almost useless.

Legal action was taken to stop Le Monde from publishing the documents they had regarding Barca and Real Madrid.

Says all you ned to know about the Spanish authorities....don't hold yer breath over this little scandal.
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby Paul68 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:41 pm

Cor fuck me John.
You do post some of the weirdest wordiest posts on here!
I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days....before you've actually left them...
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby carl_feedthegoat » Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:05 pm

Paul68 wrote:Cor fuck me John.
You do post some of the weirdest wordiest posts on here!

Hes our very own CSI .
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby john68 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:08 pm

carl_feedthegoat wrote:
Paul68 wrote:Cor fuck me John.
You do post some of the weirdest wordiest posts on here!

Hes our very own CSI .

Thanks Carl Mate, over theyears I have been called a lot worse. :-)

On a serious note, football has, changed, is changing and changing fast. Our own Premier Lge is no longer an English thing, it is global, owned by multinational investors, managed by many international coaches, and played in by players from every corner of the World. It is financed mainly by global broadcasting rights.
Other sports mirror that picture too.
Over the last few years, we have seen that what happens at 'Little Citeh' has implications throughout the World, not only in a football or sporting sense but in a multi national financial sense.

My post attempted to show that what should really have been a simple open and shut case of a Doctor caught red handed and admitting his guilt of blood doping and supplying performance enhancing drugs, was stopped by the Spanish judicial system from identifying those cheats he treated, despite his willingness to do so. The case was blocked and caused to drag out over a number of years until it became 'out of time' to act had any of those cheats been subsequently identified. A number of those cheats have since been identified by other means but because of the legal time limits, some World class and well known sportsmen have never been sanctioned.

The case I posted also highlighted how the Spanish judicial system blocked the publishing of allegations, reported to be backed up by documentation of possible pre-season drugs use by bothe Barcelona & Real Madrid. That blocking has meant that neither club was investigated nor brought to book.
I cannot believe that the Spanish Judiciary acted alone, it is more than possible it was under instruction from the Spanish Govt.

Will the original issue of this topic ever be properly investigated?

More importantly for City who we know are seen as public enemy number one by at least 8/9 other Premier Lge Clubs, a very powerful European cartel that seem to control the European Clubs Assoc and EuFA, and now with national pride at stake, possibly the power of some European Govts into the ring? Will 'Little Citeh' ever get treated farely or will we find ourselves continuously fighting in court rooms as well as on the pitch?

(answers to those questions should be addressed to a Mr Tebas and friends, gobbing off shite, somewhere in Spain).
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Re: The Fat Slug on the Spanish Rocks

Postby carl_feedthegoat » Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:03 pm

john68 wrote:
carl_feedthegoat wrote:
Paul68 wrote:Cor fuck me John.
You do post some of the weirdest wordiest posts on here!

Hes our very own CSI .

Thanks Carl Mate, over theyears I have been called a lot worse. :-)

On a serious note, football has, changed, is changing and changing fast. Our own Premier Lge is no longer an English thing, it is global, owned by multinational investors, managed by many international coaches, and played in by players from every corner of the World. It is financed mainly by global broadcasting rights.
Other sports mirror that picture too.
Over the last few years, we have seen that what happens at 'Little Citeh' has implications throughout the World, not only in a football or sporting sense but in a multi national financial sense.

My post attempted to show that what should really have been a simple open and shut case of a Doctor caught red handed and admitting his guilt of blood doping and supplying performance enhancing drugs, was stopped by the Spanish judicial system from identifying those cheats he treated, despite his willingness to do so. The case was blocked and caused to drag out over a number of years until it became 'out of time' to act had any of those cheats been subsequently identified. A number of those cheats have since been identified by other means but because of the legal time limits, some World class and well known sportsmen have never been sanctioned.

The case I posted also highlighted how the Spanish judicial system blocked the publishing of allegations, reported to be backed up by documentation of possible pre-season drugs use by bothe Barcelona & Real Madrid. That blocking has meant that neither club was investigated nor brought to book.
I cannot believe that the Spanish Judiciary acted alone, it is more than possible it was under instruction from the Spanish Govt.

Will the original issue of this topic ever be properly investigated?

More importantly for City who we know are seen as public enemy number one by at least 8/9 other Premier Lge Clubs, a very powerful European cartel that seem to control the European Clubs Assoc and EuFA, and now with national pride at stake, possibly the power of some European Govts into the ring? Will 'Little Citeh' ever get treated farely or will we find ourselves continuously fighting in court rooms as well as on the pitch?

(answers to those questions should be addressed to a Mr Tebas and friends, gobbing off shite, somewhere in Spain).

I think UEFA feel embarrassed (and rightly so) and will not have the desire to go after us again - at least not until the current UEFA hierarchy is replaced with some agenda driven cunts in the future but , having said this ,its doubtful they would act especially after the world has seen how City react in a case like this.

As for us being in the firing line continuously - 100% we will be, but it will be all done underhand like the sniveling little cowards compiling their little letter, written in a cupboard so no one can see , to try and damage us.

No club will go face to face with us IMO - gutless sniveling cowards that they are.
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